Daily Mail

Stomach misery relieved by a gel


GASTROINTE­STINAL disorders account for a quarter of visits to GP surgeries.

Helen Moore ( pictured), 45, is an artist and sculptor who has suffered from upper gastrointe­stinal discomfort since childhood.

She says: ‘My digestive system has played up since I was young, but in my 20s I noticed that symptoms were often linked with periods of anxiety. Worst of all has been the huge feeling of lethargy that goes with a flare-up.’

Helen explains: ‘My father passed away a few years ago and they worsened painfully again.

‘I just couldn’t face taking the pills that the doctor prescribed, so looked for an alternativ­e on the internet, came across silicic acid gel and decided to give it a try.

‘After taking silicic acid gel three times a day for three days, I started feeling that I could get on with life again.

‘Even the daily gnawing feeling in my stomach was noticeably reduced.

‘In fact, taking silicic acid gel has improved all of my upper gastrointe­stinal symptoms.

‘I had got to the stage where I didn’t want to go out as I was so anxious about suffering an attack of digestive discomfort.

‘I never felt right and was always fatigued and worried, so it destroyed my confidence. It stopped me living life to the full — I just didn’t want to go anywhere, felt lousy and an attack could last a day, a week or even two weeks.

‘I went through all these years of misery, but now that symptoms have reduced, daily life is much more comfortabl­e.’

Users of silicic acid gel typically report relief from upper gastrointe­stinal symptoms, feeling in control of their life again and being able to exercise, take simple trips to the shops, and accept invitation­s to family events that would once have been impossible.

Silicic acid in a gel form can be purchased from Boots and Holland & Barrett.

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