Daily Mail

Relief for dry eyes

Warm eyelid compress helps to keep them moist


DRY eye disease affects up to 70 per cent of us at some point.

Glands in our eyelids should produce a thin oil that keeps them moist.

But this smooth oil can thicken to a buttery consistenc­y, due to factors such as ageing, smoking, overuse of screens and smartphone­s, and a diet that is low in omega- 3 essential fatty acids.

Using a warm eyelid compress, along with gentle massage, has been shown to be an effective way to relieve dry eye disease.

Amelia Mulley (pictured) has had dry eyes since university, where she found that long hours on a computer caused them to water, itch and feel very strained.

‘Even when my eyes were closed, I could feel them scratching on the eyelids. It was irritating and made it hard to sleep.’

But regular use of a warm eye compress sold in Boots and recommende­d by TV’s Dr Hilary Jones has really helped her.

Amelia, aged 30, says: ‘It’s a relaxation ritual before bed that relieves my eyes and helps me sleep like a baby.

‘It takes seconds to heat up and feels so soothing, I use it most nights.

‘ Now I rarely need to use eye drops any more and can wear eye make- up, which was impossible before.’

You microwave the eye compress for 30 seconds and then place it over the eyes for seven to ten minutes.

It retains heat long enough to melt the buttery oil so that it becomes liquid again.

Once the glands are unblocked, healthy oil is produced.

 ?? Picture: THE EYE DOCTOR ??

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