Daily Mail

The dastardly ,r. Deedes

- mrdeedes@dailymail.co.uk

Soundbite-prone Marks and Spencer chairman Archie Norman has a habit of overshadow­ing his chief executive Steve Rowe on big occasions. Norman defended the retailer’s cool half-year results yesterday, remarking jokily to journalist­s: ‘If Steve were Donald Trump he would probably declare today’s results a great success.’ Wee Archie’s becoming a bit like Lord Charles, Ray Alan’s sozzled ventriloqu­ist dummy who stole all his master’s best lines. Schroders welcomed the Queen to its new offices yesterday on London Wall where she declared the building officially open. Staff were understand­ably flattered by HM’s presence. Even the bank’s stately chairman, Michael Dobson, 66, whose uppity countenanc­e suggests there is a permanent pong lurking beneath his nostrils, was bowing and scraping like a deferentia­l vizier. In light of M& S’s results, peonycheek­ed communitie­s minister Jake Berry insists there’s life in High Street shopping yet, reasoning: ‘You can’t get a hug online.’ Eh? Persimmon’s ousting of bog brushhaire­d chief executive Jeff Fairburn, claiming his absurd £76m bonus had become a distractio­n, prompts inevitable questions as to why the board didn’t persuade him to relinquish more of the money before it was awarded. A business acquaintan­ce of Fairburn sighs: ‘Have you ever tried getting between a Yorkshirem­an and a giant pot of money?’ Morrisons boss David Potts’ pay dwarfed his bigger-name rivals this year after a £3m boost took his annual remunerati­on to £5.8m. No flashy Harry though, Potts, 61. Still tootles around in a Mini, I’m told. And hates being called Dave, FYI. Crotchety-sounding ex-Kleinwort Benson banker George Pinto never crossed my radar until his recent death at 89. More’s the pity. A Times obit portrays him as that irascible breed of golfer whose exploits would have furnished PG Wodehouse with a rich seam of material. A stalwart of Royal St George’s, Sandwich, where he often played in wellies, he once asked a couple he found copulating in a bunker: ‘Are you members?’

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