Daily Mail

Satellite choice


GOLF DP World Tour Championsh­ip, 7am, Sky Golf

THE leading lights of the European Tour head to the Middle East as the winner of the Race to Dubai is crowned. Jon Rahm took this title last year, but it was Tommy Fleetwood who won the Race and the £1 million bonus.

FOOTBALL England v USA, 7pm, Sky One & Main Event

THIS friendly has turned into something of a testimonia­l for Wayne Rooney, who’s set to pull on an England shirt for a final time at Wembley. It should also be a chance for the younger players in Gareth Southgate’s squad to show what they can do.

NEW GAME SHOW Beat The Internet With John Robins, 8pm, Dave

COMEDIAN John Robins (pictured) is the gently subversive host of a traditiona­l-looking TV quiz about a nontraditi­onal subject — what people search for on the internet. It ultimately feels a bit like Family Fortunes, and there’s fun to be had in guessing along at home.

SIXTIES CRIME Inspector George Gently, 8pm, Drama

THE very first episode for Martin Shaw’s Sixties detective, a man who’s not afraid to speak his mind and views the fast-changing decade with a wry eye. In this pilot, he puts off retirement to try to avenge the death of his wife, who was murdered by a gangster.

MUSICAL HIGHLIGHTS Our Classical Century, 9pm, BBC4

THIS new, four-part series focuses on some of the greatest moments in classical music over the past 100 years, beginning with the period 1918-36. Here, Suzy Klein and Lenny Henry (pictured above with pianist and composer Wayne Marshall) explore the profound influence that World War I had on a generation of composers and musicians.

FUNNY CLIPS Greatest Ever TV Blunders, 9pm, 5Star

AS WELL as hosting Movie Blunders on 5Star, Elis James is branching out into the world of TV goofs for this new series of clips — could the likeable Welsh comic be the next Denis Norden? Here, he highlights goofs and blunders from Killing Eve, Stranger Things, Fawlty Towers and more.

FREEVIEW MOVIE Warrior, 9pm, Film4

THE world of mixed martial arts becomes a battlegrou­nd for estranged brothers Tom Hardy and Joel Edgerton in this punchpacki­ng if cliched drama. They compete in a contest for a big cash prize — but this fight might not be just about the money . . .

DUBLIN DRAMA Women On The Verge, 10pm, W

IN THE finale of this sharp series, Laura’s (Kerry Condon, pictured) article is out; it isnisn’tt long before she feels the consequenc­es, especially once her therapist reads it. There are consequenc­es coming for friends Katie and Alison, too, and in the best traditions of comedy, everything comes to a head at a party.

HORROR FILM Stephanie, 10.10pm, Sky Premiere

SCI-FI mystery thriller in which a seemingly angelic young girl (Shree Crooks) is home alone, stalked by a dark presence, while the world outside falls to an unknown enemy.

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