Daily Mail

The priceless mementos I’d save in a fire

A beloved bear, a heartfelt letter, my children’s Babygros...


AFTER a house fire in which my priority was to ensure my family and the pet hamster were safe, I realised that, of our possession­s, there was surprising­ly little that I regretted not having the opportunit­y to rescue. When my husband and I discussed this, it occurred to us that we were surrounded by ‘things’, some of value we had collected, such as a grandfathe­r clock, antique furniture and pictures, plus all the gadgets of modern living, but nothing that couldn’t be replaced instantly. This led me to consider what five things were so important to me that they were worth saving if we ever faced a fire again. The list surprised me: A small, well-loved, well-worn teddy, which my husband bought me early in our relationsh­ip. He was in the Navy and gave it to me before he went to sea. It came on our honeymoon and has been on our bed in the six houses we have lived in since. Also, a beautiful letter my sister wrote 33 years ago when we were girls. It reminds me of childhood and how important family is. Then there are the first Babygros my children were dressed in after they were born. And there are letters to Father Christmas written by my daughter and son when they were ten and four. Finally, a memory jar I was given last year for my 50th birthday. My friends and family filled it with handwritte­n messages which made me feel special. None of these items has a monetary value, yet they are the things I treasure above all else. I challenge everyone to think about what they would choose to be on their list. SUZannE BLaCk, Thakeham, W. Sussex.

 ??  ?? Irreplacea­ble: Suzanne’s possession­s
Irreplacea­ble: Suzanne’s possession­s

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