Daily Mail



CHANGE is in the air and decisions need to be made. The question is whether this change should be embraced, hidden from or fought against? As passionate, Pisces-bound Mars makes an encouragin­g link with revolution­ary Uranus, any feelings of frustratio­n should be replaced by clarity of mind. With Venus, the planet of love, turning direct tomorrow, life-affirming qualities are being highlighte­d. Today is a good day to remember the gifts we have been given and the relationsh­ips that we cherish.

ARIES Mar 21 — Apr 20

ONCE upon a time, music was played on vinyl, and films were in black and white. Cars were boxes drawn by horses and lights were made of pillars of melting wax. It’s hard to imagine living in such times. Your present life is being affected by a wave of nostalgia as you’re reminded of times gone by. But we can’t turn the clocks back; and pining for what used to be only takes us away from the opportunit­ies of today. Considerin­g how exciting that potential is, you’re much better off focusing on what’s to come. Let the Full Moon reveal the way to a happier, more successful future. Call your LATEST forecast: 0906 751 5601.

TAURUS Apr 21 — May 21

YESTERDAY’S problem now holds potential. Your previous enemy can be your ally. What used to be a disadvanta­ge can be turned to your favour. Although you can’t yet see evidence of dramatic changes in your life, they’re on their way. But you’ll need to make an effort to see them. They won’t just appear for your pleasure. Any feelings of despondenc­y need to be shaken off because if you think something will fail, there’s a good chance you’ll be proved right. Change your approach and change your future. The Full Moon has a powerful message for you. For your spookily accurate LATEST prediction, call 0906 751 5602.

GEMINI May 22 — June 22

ONE moment, that’s all it takes. One bad decision. One loss of focus. One oversight. One misunderst­ood communicat­ion. How easily that series of moments can mount into a list of mistakes. And, while we’re on the subject, how easy is it to let those moments go? Actually, right now, you can get away with making a mistake or two. And there’s no point living in anticipati­on of chaos when it’s highly unlikely to occur. Regardless of your current fears, there’s really no reason to expect trouble. For your light-shedding, hope-giving, worry-quashing, four-minute Full Moon forecast, call 0906 751 5603.

CANCER June 23 — July 23

WITH the discovery of dark matter, plus the knowledge that the universe is expanding at an ever-increasing rate, no wonder physicists think that life is inherently unstable. Luckily, since we’re also constantly evolving and morphing, it’s unlikely we’ll notice what’s going on around us! Who knows . . . maybe we’re all changing at the same speed and time. Yet, no matter what’s going on in the cosmos, in your world now, there’s an important change taking place. Don’t let an opportunit­y pass you by unnoticed. Let the Full Moon reveal the way to a happier, more successful future. Call your LATEST forecast: 0906 751 5604.

LEO July 24 — Aug 23

ALTHOUGH nature can be cruel, for the most part, Earth supports its residents and gives much more than it demands. Its inhabitant­s are inherently generous too. They’re instinctiv­ely kind, thoughtful and as supportive as they can be. But, sometimes, it seems impossible to be helpful . . . and selfish needs overtake generous acts. As these exceptions become the norm, the world becomes a darker place. As Venus prepares to turn direct, if you give as generously as you can, the cosmos will respond in kind. The Full Moon has a powerful message for you. For your spookily accurate LATEST prediction, call 0906 751 5605.

VIRGO Aug 24 — Sep 23

SOMETIMES, when we don’t tell ourselves the whole truth, we end up saying one thing when we actually mean something else. It’s never a good thing to mislead anyone . . . but it’s particular­ly unhelpful and detrimenta­l when we mislead ourselves. There’s a strong possibilit­y that you have a secret agenda which you’re not even admitting to yourself. Today’s the perfect day for you to find the courage to reveal your intentions. You don’t need to tell anyone but you. Then, you can begin to fulfil them. For your light-shedding, hope-giving, worry-quashing, four-minute Full Moon forecast, call 0906 751 5606.

LIBRA Sep 24 — Oct 23

WHEN looking at your options now, it seems that there are too few and too many, all at the same time. As for drama . . . how much of that do you need in your life? A little more than you’re now experienci­ng and rather less than you’ve been struggling against. The delicate balance between fulfilment and dissatisfa­ction seems hard to find. As your ruler prepares to turn direct, it’s time to increase your involvemen­t in certain scenarios and dramatical­ly reduce it in others. You’re well on your way. Let the Full Moon reveal the way to a happier, more successful future. Call your LATEST forecast: 0906 751 5607.

SCORPIO Oct 24 — Nov 22

JUST as long as there’s something to worry about, you don’t really have any worries. It’s when you become nonchalant and carefree that the problems start to roll in. I don’t mean to suggest that you need to fret about not fretting enough. Or worrying about whether you really should be worrying at all. If there’s one thing that’s sure, it’s that there’s always a reason to worry. The problem is that chance and luck are never attracted to negative emotions. Today, when positive change comes into your life, don’t worry! The Full Moon has a powerful message for you. For your spookily accurate LATEST prediction, call 0906 751 5608.

SAGITTARIU­S Nov 23 — Dec 21

WE SEEM to find it easy to confuse realism and pessimism. Even though they describe different approaches to life, we tend to say one when we mean the other. A similar confusion arises with the words ‘caution’ and ‘paranoia’. We all draw invisible boundaries and create our own definition­s and distinctio­ns between states of being. Today, even if you find yourself feeling anxious about a challenge you’re facing, don’t disregard the possibilit­y of a perfect developmen­t, just in the nick of time. For your light-shedding, hope-giving, worry-quashing, four-minute Full Moon forecast, call 0906 751 5609.

CAPRICORN Dec 22 — Jan 20

IMAGINE that you’re in a corridor with a door at either end. One opens easily, but the other, no matter how much effort you put into trying the handle, just won’t budge. The problem is that you feel pretty certain that you know what’s behind each door, and that the treasure is lying behind the one that you’re unable to open. Yet this is pure conjecture, based on feelings rather than facts. Today, as Venus prepares to change direction, it brings clarity. What you want lies behind the easy door. Let the Full Moon reveal the way to a happier, more successful future. Call your LATEST forecast: 0906 751 5610.

AQUARIUS Jan 21 — Feb 19

YOU have the capacity to go far. Even without having any flights booked, your imaginatio­n can take you around the world — and beyond. Which is as it should be. You’ve been held back by too much for too long, allowing myriad concerns to stifle your extraordin­ary creative abilities and put the brakes on your momentum. Be on the lookout for a slightly left-field opportunit­y to expand your horizons. Not everyone will be pleased with your choice. But should you really let that hold you back? The Full Moon has a powerful message for you. For your spookily accurate LATEST prediction, call 0906 751 5611.

PISCES Feb 20 — Mar 20

YOU’VE been caught up in a perplexing situation which has created a moral dilemma. Yet, rather than asking what’s true and what’s not, it’s time for you to stop worrying about the consequenc­es. The problem is not yours to solve. It’s someone else’s view of the truth that’s relevant right now. As Venus prepares to turn direct, you’ll soon see their decision and its consequenc­es. It’s the attitude behind that person’s point of view that you can learn from. When you see that you’ll know all you need to know. For your light-shedding, hope-giving, worry-quashing, four-minute Full Moon forecast, call 0906 751 5612.

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