Daily Mail

Vegetarian for 60 years and never taken pills


Jane Graham, 83, a retired counsellor and therapist, lives in Manchester with her husband, david, 86, a retired charity researcher. They have five children and eight grandchild­ren. she is 5ft 1in and weighs 10st (BMI 26, just ‘overweight’). I BECAME a vegetarian when I married David 60 years ago — he didn’t eat meat and I didn’t want to have to cook two different meals every night. Then I started to learn about veganism and realised that it would be even healthier and more environmen­tally friendly, so I have been vegan for 15 years.

I do feel I am proof of the pudding. I’ve never taken any prescripti­on medication (or supplement­s) and I can’t remember the last time I saw a doctor.

David and I set up the Vegan Organic Network charity to promote how vegan food is grown. I believe this keeps my brain strong, as it’s always being challenged. I do a crossword every day, too, and love Sudoku — I do it in the middle of the night if I can’t sleep.

I’ve never been a smoker and only drink when we have friends over.

I walk every day (between half a mile and two miles), but I could do with losing about a stone.

EXPERT COMMENT: Clearly, Jane is doing something right, since she’s never taken any pills. However, as a vegan, it’s especially important she gets enough iron and vitamin B12, which is generally not present in plant products — perhaps from fortified cereals. When it comes to calories, with all diets, balance is key — be it for meat-eaters or vegans. Jane says that she’d like to lose a little weight, which would be good for her overall health.

She could also do with getting a little more exercise — she should aim for half an hour a day of moderate aerobic activity, perhaps by finding a gym class. The biggest problem at this stage of life is deconditio­ning, where a loss of fitness, strength and muscle bulk can lead to falls and loss of independen­ce.

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