Daily Mail

OFFICIAL: Men are more romantic than us!

- by judith wills

WE wEEp over the film Love Story and sigh wistfully at memories of our first love. we concoct dinners and serve them by candleligh­t for the man in our life. we buy whimsical dresses. we wrap his love letters in blue ribbon and hide them to read on a rainy day.

All that is not enough. we’ve been found out. MAN, it transpires, is more romantic than woman. women may be more sentimenta­l, but when it comes to a true, fine romantic nature — men beat us hands down.


An American couple, Elaine and G. william walster, have spent three years compiling a book A New Look At Love and their findings include these revelation­s.

Men fall in love much more quickly than women, are much more reluctant to end an affair, take longer to get over a broken romance — and are three times as likely to commit suicide over love as women.

Says psychologi­st Dr Hemming: ‘Men have lost some confidence while women have gained some.

‘Men no longer have the built-in bonus of being male; they have to prove themselves as people. But while men are searching harder for relationsh­ips, women are becoming hard-headed.

‘And when a man feels he is losing his woman, he gets insecure.

‘ Romance is built on fantasy. when a man enters a relationsh­ip with a woman, to him she is a symbol of everything that is adorable and exciting.

‘Too often he marries in a gush of romanticis­m.

‘ The woman finds her image hard to live up to and would rather not be put on a pedestal.’


But do British men confirm what everyone is telling us? Amazingly — yes, they do.

An explorer, comedian, sportsman and playwright each admitted their

romantic tendencies without so much as a blush. John Osborne, five-times

married playwright: ‘Most of the men I know are romantic and I am too.

‘To be romantic is to do things for folly. Soldiers and sailors are romantic. And, I certainly don’t write for the fame or glory or money.

‘All the great romantics were men.

‘ women are too hardheaded and practical to be romantic. I’m sure they think men’s romanticis­m verges on the silly.

‘I’ve always bought love tokens. when my wife and I were married I bought her a dress and some pretty china.’ John Lloyd, British tennis heart- throb: ‘ I’m very romantic — if I go out with someone I like to treat her really well and buy her jewellery, perfume and flowers. I think most girls appreciate this but some have been put off.

‘I think they would prefer me to be a bit ruthless with them!

‘I don’t believe in women’s lib — it’s okay for a girl to have a career, but I like very feminine ladies and I still believe in marriage!’ Col. John Blashford-Snell,

explorer: ‘I’m a romantic, though my wife doesn’t think so.

‘That’s why I do what I do — the rest of it is curiosity.

‘And I’d say that the men who come on our expedition­s have a far more romantic view of it than the women (30 per cent of our team). The men see it through rose- coloured specs while the women are more practical and see more of the dangers.’ Les Dawson, comedian: ‘I’ve always said men are more romantic than women. The night I proposed to my wife it was very romantic — and I’m being serious — we went to a dance, and halfway through the waltz I popped the question.

‘we got engaged and I bought her a diamond ring. when it’s her birthday I always buy her red roses — I love flowers.’

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