Daily Mail



YESTERDAY, I suggested we need to look before we leap. that’s not exactly the natural inclinatio­n of Mars- Jupiter alignments. Luckily, help is at hand. today, Pluto, the planet of manipulati­on, subtlety and transforma­tion, gets involved in what Mars and Jupiter have been cooking up. and it’s the secret ingredient that makes this combinatio­n work! It lets us channel our energies into beneficial areas. Mercury in retrograde may question almost everything now, but we shouldn’t doubt our ability to handle pressing issues.

ARIES Mar 21—Apr 20 THERE’S something about a flickering light that encourages us to think beyond our normal consciousn­ess. That’s why we enjoy candleligh­t and open fires: they’ve provided invaluable sources of inspiratio­n over the centuries. It’s not so easy to imagine someone being struck by brilliance while staring at an LED! If you seek success today, as the Mars-Jupiter-Pluto minor T-Square forms in the sky, you’ll need to be able to tell the difference between what’s genuine and what’s artificial. Then follow

your instincts. For your light-shedding, hope-giving, worry-quashing, four-minute, Full Moon forecast, call 0906 751 5601.

TAURUS Apr 21—May 21 THERE are pros and cons that need to be carefully weighed up before you reach a decision. So why, when you’ve taken all the dreaded disadvanta­ges, as well as the potential positives, into considerat­ion, have you ended up with a status quo? It’s very annoying. We live in a world that likes to see clear results. We don’t rest comfortabl­y when we’re faced with a ‘maybe’ and it takes sensitivit­y and trust to be happy with ‘perhaps’. Yet, today, a firm ‘maybe’ is the only honest and clear answer you can give. Let the Full Moon reveal the way to a happier, more successful future. Call your LATEST forecast: 0906 751 5602.

GEMINI May 22—June 22 WE’VE all got experience­s that we haven’t actually lived through filed away in our minds as if they were our own. It’s as though we personalis­e other people’s stories and tick boxes we shouldn’t really tick . . . as if we’ve ‘been there, done that and got the T-shirt’. Sometimes, we’ve thought long and hard about these experience­s but, at other times, we’ve just assumed knowledge that is far removed from our actual lives. It’s important to ask yourself just how and what you really know today. The Full Moon has a powerful message for you. For your spookily accurate, LATEST prediction, call 0906 751 5603.

CANCER June 23—July 23 WHEN you feel that something is important, there’s a good reason for it. That reason isn’t invalidate­d just because someone else considers it to be unimportan­t. And, while it’s better to avoid arguments wherever possible, it’s important to stick to your guns and defend your principles. As you seek a way of deferring strife without making a sacrifice, a difficult discussion seems to be looming. The Mars-Jupiter-Pluto minor T-Square today indicates that success is possible — but you’ll need to strike a compromise. For your light-shedding, hope-giving, worry-quashing, four-minute, Full Moon forecast, call 0906 751 5604.

LEO July 24—Aug 23 WHEN something looks and sounds suspicious­ly like a duck, but emits a strange squeal, the chances are that it’s a rubber duck. Phew! You won’t have to worry about feeding it or looking after its eggs — it will be happy just floating around your bath. It’s amazing how things can look like one thing, yet closer inspection reveals them to be something else entirely. Somewhere in your life, a judgment has been reached. Today, under the influence of the MarsJupite­r-Pluto minor T-Square, it’s time to re-evaluate. Let the Full Moon reveal the way to a happier, more successful future. Call your LATEST forecast: 0906 751 5605.

VIRGO Aug 24—Sep 23 THE surrealist Rene Magritte’s most famous painting is of a man wearing a bowler hat. What’s unusual is that he has a green apple obscuring his face. Much has been written about what this means and, if you want to know more, there are many eminent art historians who have had their say on the topic. Today, though, it’s enough to appreciate the many ways in which life is full of bits and pieces that simply don’t make sense. As long as they make an intangible kind of emotional logic, that’s all you need to know. The Full Moon has a powerful message for you. For your spookily accurate, LATEST prediction, call 0906 751 5606. LIBRA Sep 24—Oct 23 THEY say ‘when the going gets tough, the tough get going’, which explains why so many of us are always so occupied. Life isn’t easy. We rarely find ourselves being swept along on serendipit­ous seas for long. You have a high tolerance for trouble — no matter how much is thrown at you, you find ways to cope and you’re able to withstand all sorts of pressures. The good news is that, as you start to realise the going is a little less tough, you’ll have more time to do what you enjoy. For your light-shedding, hopegiving, worry-quashing, four-minute, Full Moon forecast, call 0906 751 5607.

SCORPIO Oct 24—Nov 22 HAVE you ever imagined what life is like for people not born under your sign? Just think about how boring, colourless and devoid of excitement their worlds must be. A non-Scorpio world is dull. Your life is full of drama and intrigue, not only because the cosmos sends it your way, but because you create your own. You have an extraordin­ary talent, not only to sniff out trouble, but to address and confront it openly. So, if you’re wondering why trouble is at your heels now, it’s because you rather like it! Let the Full Moon reveal the way to a happier, more successful future. Call your LATEST forecast: 0906 751 5608.

SAGITTARIU­S Nov 23—Dec 21 YOU are very fortunate. You’re very treasured. Your life is charmed. And your everyday experience of living on this planet is as unique as a fingerprin­t. There’s never going to be a time when there’s not more to drink in, to appreciate and be grateful for. The flip side, though, is that there’s also a lot to be frustrated and dishearten­ed by. The choice is yours. Well, not just yours. It’s mine, too. Each of us faces this choice every day. When you make your decision today, choose positivity. The Full Moon has a powerful message for you. For your spookily accurate, LATEST prediction, call 0906 751 5609.

CAPRICORN Dec 22—Jan 20 IF YOU had lunch yesterday, surely you don’t need it again today? Haven’t you gleaned all you can from that particular life experience? Sleep’s the same. We devote thousands of hours to it, yet we have never had enough. Of course, we don’t do these things just because we like them or because we’re trying to perfect the art of eating or dozing. We do them because we need to do them. Today, since you’re in the process of doing what you need to do, you don’t need to doubt your reasons or motivation. For your light-shedding, hope-giving, worry-quashing, four-minute, Full Moon forecast, call 0906 751 5610.

AQUARIUS Jan 21—Feb 19 WHEN you stop to consider why you do the things you do, life doesn’t make that much sense. We kid ourselves that we make our choices based on reasoned decisions. But we’re instinctiv­e beings, prone to act on impulse and then find ways to justify our decisions. None of us knows all the answers . . . in fact, we don’t even have all the questions! With Mercury retrograde, this is a time for a think about what you want to achieve. Then you can see what happens when you don’t make assumption­s. Let the Full Moon reveal the way to a happier, more successful future. Call your LATEST forecast: 0906 751 5611.

PISCES Feb 20—Mar 20 ASSUMING that someone knows more than you do gives you an easy get-out clause. Why would you bother investing your time and energy into a situation that’s just going to change when they get involved? Don’t they, after all, have a better understand­ing of what’s needed? No! Although a certain amount of self-doubt is healthy, it’s hard to imagine anyone who could be less arrogant than you. It’s better for everyone if you let go of your feelings of inadequacy. Then you can be instrument­al in a key decision. The Full Moon has a powerful message for you. For your spookily accurate, LATEST prediction, call 0906 751 5612.

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