Daily Mail




CEREBRAL lawyer who’s the son of a Czechborn Jewish father who came to Britain in 1938 aged six as a refugee from the Nazis.

Appointed Brexit Secretary after fellow Brexiteer David Davis walked out — but quit himself last month. ‘I cannot support an indefinite backstop arrangemen­t, where the EU holds a veto over our ability to exit,’ he said. Ubiquitous on TV and radio, but not everyone is impressed. ‘Dominic is his own biggest fan,’ says one Tory MP. ‘He’s just a bit too clever.’

A black belt at karate, the 44-year-old could form a joint leadership ticket with David Davis.


CLEARLY on manoeuvres — the 54year- old having just cropped his signature tousled hair and lost 12lb.

The most passionate frontline Tory advocate of Brexit — describing the PM’s deal as ‘diabolical’ and a ‘legal lobster pot’. As ever, he is long on bombast, short on content. Long on grandiosit­y, short on self-awareness.

As one of the most hardline Brexiteers, he is hamstrung by a lack of support among fellow Tory MPs, which means he’ll struggle to make it to the final two of any contest. But a restless soul, backbench life will not suit Johnson.


A LONG-TERM Leave advocate brought back into government by May (before he quit in a huff) having first served as Europe minister in the Major government. The victim of a whispering campaign about his time as Brexit Secretary when the 69-year-old was accused of being lazy, having held only five hours of meetings in Brussels in 2018.

Significan­tly jockeyed for position yesterday by proposing a new Brexit solution — scrapping the Irish backstop.

A serious contender, but his best hope is as a stop-gap leader before handing over to a younger deputy.

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