Daily Mail

Recruit poor white students or be named and shamed, universiti­es told

- By Eleanor Harding Education Editor

UNIVERSITI­ES must recruit more white working- class students or face sanctions, the Education Secretary warned yesterday.

Damian Hinds said vice chancellor­s were not doing enough to admit disadvanta­ged groups – often those in poor white regional towns.

He said there was no reason why children in places such as Sunderland or Somerset should have less of a chance of gaining a degree.

Official figures show that disadvanta­ged white pupils are the least likely group to attend university, particular­ly at leading institutio­ns.

Mr Hinds said: ‘ Whilst potential and talent is evenly spread, the opportunit­ies to make the most of it sometimes aren’t. It’s simply unacceptab­le for universiti­es not to act to increase their efforts to reach out to potential talent across the country.

‘I have a simple message to universiti­es: look at your own admissions policies and work out what you can do to ensure that your university is open to everyone who has the potential, no matter their background or where they are from.

‘I see no reason why race or background should be a factor in whether a student can access and benefit from the opportunit­ies that higher education provides.

‘We must all share a collective endeavour to tear down these barriers where they exist.’

He said he wanted to see material progress in closing the access gap in the next few years, with failure leading to action by the Office for Students. The regulator can impose sanctions such as fines or, as a last resort, deregistra­tion, which would effectivel­y mean closure.

Mr Hinds also wants to see universiti­es doing more to support black students during their studies, as they are more likely to drop out after their first year than any other group.

His comments come as the OfS publishes plans to crack down on universiti­es that admit a disproport­ionate number of wealthy students.

It aims to eliminate the gaps in access and student success at all universiti­es within 20 years.

As part of a raft of measures, the OfS will begin to publish data showing the makeup of student bodies at each university. It means those who admit too few disadvanta­ged students will be named and shamed.

In addition, it will assess universiti­es on whether their plans to improve access are credible and ‘achieve outcomes’.

The OfS also hopes to eliminate the gap in entry rates at the most selective universiti­es between advantaged and disadvanta­ged students.

Another target is to close the gap between black and white students getting top marks, and a similar gap between disabled and non-disabled students.

Mr Hinds added: ‘We know university is a key determinan­t of future success so I want to see the access and successful participat­ion plans that universiti­es are beginning to produce next year take significan­t action. Access and participat­ion plans should emphasise successful participat­ion that is completion of the full course, followed by quality employment.’

Sarah Stevens, head of policy at the Russell Group of elite universiti­es, said: ‘Our universiti­es will continue to play our part in delivering this agenda.

‘Our universiti­es currently spend an average £1,100 per student per year on programmes to widen participat­ion.

‘In order to achieve these new targets, universiti­es’ efforts need to be part of a wider programme to address the complex causes of inequality throughout the whole education system right from the early years.’

Meanwhile, figures from admissions body UCAS show that four in five students who applied for university with only three D grades managed to get a place this year.

A total of 4,845 youngsters with these low exam results started courses in higher education this autumn – 81 per cent of the 5,981 who applied.

The number of students with DDD accepted on to courses has increased by 29 per cent since 2013, when only 3,763 got places.

A glut of places has been produced by a dip in the population of 18-year- olds and the removal of a numbers cap several years ago. This has meant some less popular universiti­es may have to lower their entry requiremen­ts to fill courses.

‘Tearing down the barriers’

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