Daily Mail



This weekend, Venus makes its second rendezvous as it moves from safety-first saturn to connect with Pluto, the dark horse of the zodiac. This highlights both financial and emotional investment­s and signifies transforma­tion. hidden desires will surface. Yet, with determinat­ion, these forces can be directed so that we benefit from their existence. There’s no need to fear or fight what we can’t control. Once the unknown is accepted, it loses its power — and can even work to our advantage.

ARIES Mar 21 — Apr 20

EVEN though most of us carry mobile phones with reminders set, some people still write things on the back of their hands. Life can throw distractio­ns in our path . . . so, just as we’re setting out to do one thing, something else grabs our attention. As for the markings on your hand, perhaps they are psychic reminders of what you intended to do with your life, which you wrote to yourself before you arrived on planet Earth. This weekend, you’ll remember something vital that needs doing. Powerful changes are possible as the planets spin into inspiratio­nal new alignments. Make the most of it! Call 0906 751 5601.

TAURUS Apr 21 — May 21

YOU’RE not the kind of person who is happy to roll over and give up. There have been many occasions when life has shown you that, just when you think all is lost, something precious is found. That’s why you are a fighter. No wonder, then, that this feeling of being down on your luck is making you worried. Yet you’re living in an abundant universe. Luck is not limited. You haven’t used up your supply. Take a look, this weekend, at a far-flung possibilit­y. It really is worth pursuing. Powerful changes are possible as the planets spin into inspiratio­nal new alignments. Make the most of it! Call 0906 751 5602.

GEMINI May 22 — June 22

IT’S a free world: no one is going to stop you if you decide to while away the day stressing about what could go wrong. There are no laws that forbid us from getting into a state of panic. Though perhaps there ought to be . . . Maybe our politician­s should do something productive and outlaw negative thinking! Rather than wasting time waiting for someone else to stop you feeling pessimisti­c, why not make a pledge this weekend to have confidence in your future? It will be worth it. Powerful changes are possible as the planets spin into inspiratio­nal new alignments. Make the most of it! Call 0906 751 5603.

CANCER June 23 — July 23

LIKE tropical fish, secrets are hard to keep. A lot of time needs to be put into ensuring that the right environmen­t is maintained. The temperatur­e needs to be correct and appropriat­e food, in the right amount, needs to be given. Secrets, though, don’t like clear, fresh water. They thrive in murky conditions, where they can eat away at our conscience. Maintainin­g them takes great effort, with little reward. This weekend, as a secret comes into the open, it will be a relief, rather than a problem. Powerful changes are possible as the planets spin into inspiratio­nal new alignments. Make the most of it! Call 0906 751 5604.

LEO July 24 — Aug 23

NO MATTER how vibrant a moment may be, it’s impossible to wrap it up and carry it with you, untouched and perfect, through time. Our experience­s tend to dull and fade, until they’re just memories. Yet, while we try to hold on to such moments, the things we’d prefer to forget have a way of hanging around for longer than we’d like. Although it’s not possible to erase a thought that makes you feel regretful this weekend, you can reframe it. A past experience can help make a brighter tomorrow. Powerful changes are possible as the planets spin into inspiratio­nal new alignments. Make the most of it! Call 0906 751 5605.

VIRGO Aug 24 — Sep 23

YOU are a hard worker. You’ve never been one for freewheeli­ng or trading on other people’s success. You can’t sit back while the world revolves around you. This weekend, as ever, you’re aware of your commitment­s and obligation­s. Yet, with the opportunit­y on offer, you need to be certain that you’re not in danger of allowing ‘duty’ to get in the way of an exciting possibilit­y. Even you need to take a break. Here comes the chance to put down your heavy load and enjoy some well-earned fun. Powerful changes are possible as the planets spin into inspiratio­nal new alignments. Make the most of it! Call 0906 751 5606.

LIBRA Sep 24 — Oct 23

IF ONLY we could remember the first time we ate chocolate. Even though it is still a taste that most of us love, that initial experience must have been intense for our taste buds. The truth is that we get used to things and are unable to appreciate them in the same way. A relationsh­ip with a key person, which was once precious, is being taken for granted. Is there something you can do? By seeing it with fresh perspectiv­e, you’ll discover a new aspect that holds exciting potential. Powerful changes are possible as the planets spin into inspiratio­nal new alignments. Make the most of it! Call 0906 751 5607.

SCORPIO Oct 24 — Nov 22

SOME people are so good at producing doves from handkerchi­efs that when they want a dove, they don’t think of going to the garden, a pet shop or the countrysid­e. Instead, they head immediatel­y to their local haberdashe­ry. The same is true of those who thrive on crises. When they want to feel better, instead of searching for a positive fix, they look for a problem to solve. You’ve grown used to deriving pleasure from a source that is less than ideal. This weekend, keep an eye out for that. Powerful changes are possible as the planets spin into inspiratio­nal new alignments. Make the most of it! Call 0906 751 5608.

SAGITTARIU­S Nov 23 — Dec 21

SOME people are so aware of others’ expectatio­ns that they over-exaggerate aspects of their own personalit­y — they get used to acting in a certain way and almost become caricature­s of themselves. With your sense of humour, plus your inner drive to see justice done, you can sometimes appear larger than life. Cosmic events this weekend will nurture these aspects of your personalit­y. As long as you act in the interests of others, you can use your powers to great success. Powerful changes are possible as the planets spin into inspiratio­nal new alignments. Make the most of it! Call 0906 751 5609.

CAPRICORN Dec 22 — Jan 20

I HOPE that you are not expecting me to point out what’s wrong with you. I’d rather not have to list all your quirks and foibles. Why’s that? Well, the last thing you need is to hear a list of your faults — because you’re already surrounded by people who feel as if they’ve got the right to criticise you! This weekend, it’s time to stop listening to negative opinions. You’re absolutely entitled to feel pleased with yourself and proud of your achievemen­ts. Don’t let anyone cause you to doubt yourself. Powerful changes are possible as the planets spin into inspiratio­nal new alignments. Make the most of it! Call 0906 751 5610.

AQUARIUS Jan 21 — Feb 19

WHY don’t people tell the truth? After all, no one really believes that lying will bring success. Usually, the decision to be deceptive grows out of fear. Truth can be powerful and terrifying. We think that it will get us into trouble. So we lie to protect ourselves. But no one likes being misled. You have the choice, this weekend, between facts and a softer, more flattering fiction. The cosmic message is clear. It’s giving you the support to be brave enough to make the right choice. Powerful changes are possible as the planets spin into inspiratio­nal new alignments. Make the most of it! Call 0906 751 5611.

PISCES Feb 20 — Mar 20

THEY say that you can’t make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear. But no one tells you what you’re supposed to use instead. You don’t want to try making one out of the wrong thing. Although you feel as if something is lacking in your world, the very thing that feels missing is the one thing that you really don’t need right now. Despite your fears, it’s inevitable that the space will be filled. Nature abhors a vacuum. If you can enjoy the feeling of spaciousne­ss, what fills it will bring you even greater pleasure. Powerful changes are possible as the planets spin into inspiratio­nal new alignments. Make the most of it! Call 0906 751 5612.

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