Daily Mail



TODAY it’s the turn of our brightest celestial orb, the Sun, to fall under Pluto’s intense influence. With the source of light and heat also involved in a long, drawn-out build-up to an encouragin­g link with mighty Mars, there’s a battle for power raging in the sky. I’ve spoken before about how the red engine of Mars, plus the dark horse of Pluto, symbolise the Ferrari stallion — we have immense horsepower in our hands, which needs careful controllin­g. It’s important to stay attentive in order to steer in the right direction.

ARIES Mar 21 — Apr 20

A SKILFUL cook can transform a recipe by adding an ingredient. A gifted writer can turn an ordinary story into a classic with a few well-chosen words. An extra note here, a deeper colour there can bring life to a piece of music or a painting. Although it doesn’t take much to make the leap from the mundane to the memorable, it requires focus, timing and intention. A recent idea is worth careful considerat­ion. A minor adjustment of style can bring the confidence to make an innovative decision. In a week of exceptiona­l cosmic activity, make the most of the exciting potential for positive change. Call 0906 751 5601.

TAURUS Apr 21 — May 21

WHAT does tomorrow have in store? Wouldn’t we like to know! The best way to start the process of seeing into the future is to ask yourself what you really want to happen. Or, possibly, what do you believe will happen? Whichever is more potent — your belief or your desire — will prove more powerful in subtly shaping events in your world. So try to believe in the things you want! The cosmic message is clear: in your emotional world, anything is possible. You just need the self-confidence to believe it. In a week of exceptiona­l cosmic activity, make the most of the exciting potential for positive change. Call 0906 751 5602.

GEMINI May 22 — June 22

THERE comes a time when we have to let go of things. If we refuse to do this, we end up having to release a lot at the same time. Then, if we’re not careful, we end up dropping everything and creating a reverberat­ing clang. Thus, the art of letting go needs to be cultivated. Even when it comes to emotions like sadness and pain, it doesn’t come naturally. We hang on to things no matter how positive or negative they are. The message from the cosmos is clear. It’s time to put something down. In a week of exceptiona­l cosmic activity, make the most of the exciting potential for positive change. Call 0906 751 5603.

CANCER June 23 — July 23

YOU have had some complicate­d decisions to make recently. It was tempting to plump for the easy route but, when you committed yourself to the hard path, you knew instantly that you’d made the right call. What do you mean you haven’t decided yet? Fortunatel­y, you haven’t missed your opportunit­y. A change is about to occur — and it’s coming whether you invite it or not. The best way to prepare is to wave goodbye to an old, unnecessar­y habit . . . then get ready to let in a whirlwind of excitement. In a week of exceptiona­l cosmic activity, make the most of the exciting potential for positive change. Call 0906 751 5604.

LEO July 24 — Aug 23

AT LAST you’re within sight of finding the answer to a question that’s been difficult to resolve. You’re almost certain that you know what you want to do. The only thing you’re not sure about is the method you’re going to use to make it happen. The resources you need seem to be hard to find. Yet there’s no need to feel frustrated. Your concerns are legitimate, but they’re unnecessar­y. You don’t need to worry. Although it might not be quite what you expect, all that you need is coming your way. In a week of exceptiona­l cosmic activity, make the most of the exciting potential for positive change. Call 0906 751 5605.

VIRGO Aug 24 — Sep 23

ONE of these days, life will be straightfo­rward and rational. There will be no more chaos or conflict. Fortunatel­y, though, it’s not on the near horizon. Can you imagine how dull it would be? Where would the drama and spontaneit­y come from? We need a degree of tension and stress. Without them, life is bland and unsatisfyi­ng. Right now, though, you seem to be creating a hot and fiery situation. There’s a chance that someone (or something) is being pushed to the extreme. You can calm things down today. In a week of exceptiona­l cosmic activity, make the most of the exciting potential for positive change. Call 0906 751 5606.

LIBRA Sep 24 — Oct 23

MAPS and roads are not the same things. Theoretica­lly, you know which direction you’re heading in. You’ve considered the alternativ­es, decided your route and set off on your journey. Yet there’s a gap between your plan and the reality. Nothing’s quite as you’d anticipate­d and you’re feeling thrown off course. Did you make the right move? Yes! Listen to your instincts. Have faith in your decisions. Soon enough, you’ll see that it’s not a question of guessing the way, but of knowing it. In a week of exceptiona­l cosmic activity, make the most of the exciting potential for positive change. Call 0906 751 5607.

SCORPIO Oct 24 — Nov 22

JUST imagine if older people in the world started to protest about the number of babies being born. They could demonstrat­e outside hospitals shouting: ‘Go back to where you came from. We were here first.’ The truth is that our planet is big enough for all of us — and we are all equally loved by the creator. Your ruling planet is creating situations which remind you of the force for good that you can be in the world. By demonstrat­ing forgivenes­s, your influence creates an effect beyond anything you can see. In a week of exceptiona­l cosmic activity, make the most of the exciting potential for positive change. Call 0906 751 5608.

SAGITTARIU­S Nov 23 — Dec 21

OUR real-life relationsh­ips can never be supplanted or matched by our virtual friendship­s on social media platforms. While those networks play a role in connecting people globally, they’re no equal for real-world human connection­s. There’s a shared psychic sense between two individual­s when they’re together; a receptivit­y that’s reciprocat­ed and repackaged as understand­ing. Engage with as many people as possible today. You’ll be surprised by just how much you’ll benefit. In a week of exceptiona­l cosmic activity, make the most of the exciting potential for positive change. Call 0906 751 5609.

CAPRICORN Dec 22 — Jan 20

ACTION movies and series are as popular as ever. We seem to love watching people run around, leaping across buildings and scaling ridiculous­ly high walls. We don’t tend to do that kind of thing ourselves, though. It’s much more preferable (and safe) to watch someone on screen, rather than put ourselves in danger. We have the excitement without the risk. The question is: how much drama and action do you really need in your life today? It might be better to think about a conflict, rather than engage in one. In a week of exceptiona­l cosmic activity, make the most of the exciting potential for positive change. Call 0906 751 5610.

AQUARIUS Jan 21 — Feb 19

THINK of a daisy, bright and elegant, flowering vibrantly in a hedgerow. Do you think, deep down, it wishes it were a rose? No! So why do we disregard the significan­ce of our own role or our own life, dreaming instead of an illusory ideal? We make false comparison­s and set our sights on the impossible. We lose sight of the wonder of today because we’re too busy rememberin­g ‘what was’ or dreaming of ‘what could be’. Don’t overlook the inspiratio­nal splendour of your world today. In a week of exceptiona­l cosmic activity, make the most of the exciting potential for positive change. Call 0906 751 5611.

PISCES Feb 20 — Mar 20

YOU’D look lovely wearing a set of wings. They’d go very nicely with a white outfit, or even a tutu. Despite your understand­ing about the ways of the world, you possess an innocent, almost angelic element which is discernibl­e to the people around you. As you find yourself in a situation where you’re being called to give someone the benefit of the doubt, you’re not sure how to proceed. It’s true that their behaviour is challengin­g. But allowing them a chance to change will do more good than harm. In a week of exceptiona­l cosmic activity, make the most of the exciting potential for positive change. Call 0906 751 5612.

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