Daily Mail



At Love All your partner, North, deals and opens 1 ♠ . What would you respond playing Pairs? Would it make any difference if you were +60 at rubber bridge? AT PAIRS, you would respond 2 ♥ . Your suit is not a very good one, but it is a five-carder, and you have the requisite number of points for a change- of- suit response at the two-level and insufficie­nt spades for a direct limit raise in that suit.

At rubber bridge, by far the best response would be 2 ♠ . You don’t want to introduce a ropy suit such as hearts which, at the part- score, partner might pass when you know that he has to play at no more than the two-level.

You could find that 2 ♠ may well be a success, even on a 4-3 fit, especially as you have one of the three top honours.

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