Daily Mail



AT PAirS, West is playing in 3NT and North leads ♦ 3, which South wins with the ace and returns ♦ 6, on which North plays ♦ 2, allowing dummy’s knave to hold the trick. What is your best line of play to make the contract? FIRST of all, a comment on the contract of 3nT in preference to 4 ♥ . It has always been my contention that players are far too indiscrimi­nate in seeking to play in a 4-4 major suit fit in preference to nTs.

This is the fault of the technocrat­s, who correctly assess that a 4-4 trump fit will generally play for a trick more than will nTs. They ignore the real possibilit­y of an adverse (4-1) trump break or the helpful informatio­n that the use of Stayman often gives to the defence.

Almost certainly, 4 ♥ would fail here on a 4-1 trump break, whereas 3nT has good play.

You have only eight tricks and, if the opponents gain the lead, they will have three more diamonds to cash. So your plan will be based on a squeeze, rather than the club finesse — and your safe assumption (from the lead) is that north started with five diamonds.

Continues tomorrow.

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