Daily Mail

Short, sharp shock


IN soft justice Britain, Boris Johnson does not have to be very brave to argue for robust powers of stop and search, and an increased police presence on the streets.

However, the guard dogs of political correctnes­s will attack any suggestion of severely punitive, but costeffect­ive, deterrence for knife crime.

It is much safer to advocate punishment by means of the expensive, overcrowde­d, social work hostels known as HM Prisons.

What politician would be brave enough to advocate singapore-style corporal punishment?

It really does deter violent crime and keeps the streets safe for lawabiding citizens, for a fraction of the cost of our criminal justice system.


BORIS JOHNSON calls for more stop and search ‘for Jodie’s sake’.

Why no call before? Does he deem her loss to be of greater significan­ce than the other knife crime victims?


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