Daily Mail

Wise up to being happy


It Is not exactly breaking news to learn that most people are happier at 70 than they are in middle age, since numerous studies over the years have concluded the same thing.

But what is counter-intuitive about new research by Harvard University is the finding that older people focus less on problems or negative emotions and more readily dismiss them.

this is what children do. they don’t concern themselves with what’s not right, but instead look forward to whatever is coming next. A child’s innocence of the worst the world can do means they are naturally optimistic and positive.

For septuagena­rians and beyond, the self- same attitude is based on a vast life experience. Older people know that worrying achieves little and that they will (probably) cope with whatever happens.

Or to put it more eloquently using the old adage: ‘this too shall pass.’ they also feel they may as well enjoy the time that they have left by finding the good in life.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could all adopt this outlook!

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