Daily Mail

Games fuel violence

- Write to: Daily Mail Letters, 2 Derry Street, London W8 5TT email: letters@dailymail.co.uk

HOW I agree with roy Glass (Letters) who asks the question: ‘Could violent computer games be a factor in the rise in knife crime?’

as a retired primary teacher, I noticed in the last 12 years of my teaching career how children as young as eight were playing violent computer games at home with an age guidance of 15-plus. They would discuss among friends how many soldiers they had killed the previous evening. There must be more specific warnings on these violent games.

Parents need to be far more vigilant in monitoring the content of these games. I have been shocked by things I have heard — pupils have even bragged about their killings.

There is no single reason for the increase in knife crime. Clearly there need to be far more police checks with much stiffer penalties. Britain has gone soft on justice. Our children are no longer safe on our streets.

JAnICe hUGheS, Barry, Vale of Glamorgan.

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