Daily Mail

Watch out for . . .


Peter PolycarPou, who will play Sancho Panza opposite Kelsey Grammer’s Don Quixote (left) in Man of la Mancha for producers Michael linnit and Michael Grade at the english National opera’s london coliseum, from april 26. the show also stars Danielle de Niese, Nicholas lyndhurst and cassidy Janson. last week, I saw both Ms Janson and Polycarpou in a workshop performanc­e of the musical & Juliet, which opens in Manchester in September before moving down to the Shaftesbur­y theatre in london. Janson will play Mrs Shakespear­e in the show. Polycarpou was just taking on a role in the workshop to help out his pal, director luke Sheppard.

JOHN STANDING, who will recall the lives of Noel Coward, Cole Porter and George Gershwin in Noel, Cole And George at The Pheasantry, in Chelsea, on April 9 and June 4. Skilled Standing, who knows how to cut a dash, will sing and chat. The songs include You’re The Top, Anything Goes and Our Love Is Here To Stay. I once heard him sing Coward’s There Are Bad Times Just Around the Corner. Brexit blues will be with us for months to come, so I guess it’s an apt number for Standing. He’ll be joined by Will Stuart on piano and Hattie Scott on bass.

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