Daily Mail

Nigella cooks up app for food snaps

- By Dominique Hines

NIGELLA Lawson has long tantalised her 1.6million Instagram followers with her mouth-watering food photograph­s.

And now the Domestic Goddess has launched a food photo app to help fans take and share their own pictures.

Miss Lawson, 9, said Instagram ‘did food no favours’ and said that her FOODIM app was ‘optimised to take fabulous photos of food’.

She added: ‘Nearly every photograph I take is of food, so it has always vexed me that there is no dedicated photograph­y app. So

many of the filters on general photograph­y apps do food no favours.’

The app is linked to a ‘welcoming’ social network that lets foodies create a profile, post notes and recipes, and edit their photos’ depth of field, contrast and colours.

Users can follow each other to discover new restaurant­s and dishes, and every user is automatica­lly following Miss Lawson.

The app is available to UK iPhone users.

 ??  ?? Her burrata with beetroot as captured on the app
Her burrata with beetroot as captured on the app

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