Daily Mail

NHS lacks vision for elderly


THE Mail reported this week that more than half of NHS health authoritie­s are restrictin­g access to cataract operations to save cash. This makes me so angry, because this isn’t an ophthalmic issue — it’s a mental health issue.

Cataracts occur when the eye lens clouds over, usually with age. Removal of cataracts and replacemen­t with an artificial lens — a quick, routine procedure with almost instantane­ous results and which costs just £1,000 per eye — has a tremendous impact on the lives of older people.

They go from feeling isolated and struggling with everyday activities to suddenly being able to cope again. Their independen­ce is restored.

The NHS is stretched, but why is this procedure being targeted when the cost-tobenefit ratio is so clear? I believe ageism is an issue here. I doubt authoritie­s would ration paediatric care in the same way.

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