Daily Mail



ADOPT a pride of lions through WWF for as little as £3 a month. This could include the

Enesikiria group that lives in the Masai Mara Reserve in Kenya.

WWF works with the Mara Predator Conservati­on Programme to monitor reports of sightings from local Masai lodge guides, and the informatio­n is used to create a personal profile for each lion, such as its age, sex and number of cubs.

This helps the conservati­onists to learn more about the lions’ movements, behaviour patterns and general health — which in turn gives an indication of the overall health of their environmen­t.

WWF has been helping to establish and improve protected areas that support lions in key places throughout Africa, as well as working with local communitie­s to manage their livestock and reduce human-lion conflict.

Regular adoption updates from WWF will tell you how the lions are doing.

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