Daily Mail

Yes, Auntie, move with the times but don’t ruin Radio 4


AS An actor and broadcaste­r, I would encourage BBC radio 4 listeners to campaign to save the jewel in our crown — our skill in producing spoken- word programmes.

BBC chairman Sir David Clementi has admitted that neglecting older listeners is a risk, but that radio 4 has to move with the times to attract a younger audience, otherwise it would still be broadcasti­ng Listen With Mother (Mail).

It’s not impossible to retain old favourites while promoting youth music.

Just shave off a minute amount, so little it will hardly be noticed, from the budgets for all the celebrity programmes swamping BBC TV and give it to spokenword radio programmes.

What TV sees as a few pennies would be absolute gold dust for radio producers.

Sir David may denigrate Listen With Mother, but he might like to consider that if the BBC had not abandoned radio programmes for children, which resulted in losing generation­s of young listeners, it might be counting more youths among the mix of those still wanting to enjoy the spoken word.


 ??  ?? Radio 4 fan: Sheila Mitchell
Radio 4 fan: Sheila Mitchell

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