Daily Mail

Don’t they care?


IF ONLY our politician­s could show the same passion for our oldest and most vulnerable adults as they have done during the debates over Brexit, social care wouldn’t be in crisis.

I wrote to all 650 MPs calling on them to tackle a situation that has resulted in 1.4 million people going without the care they need. That I received fewer than ten replies speaks volumes about their priorities.

Brexit has become such an allencompa­ssing distractio­n that nothing else is being addressed.

We are still waiting for the longpromis­ed Green Paper on social care, but even when it is published, it will doubtless be only a starting point for debate and discussion.

As a care provider looking after people today, I am asking for government action on social care now, not next month or next year.

MIKE PADGHAM, St Cecilia’s Care Group, Scarboroug­h, N. Yorks.

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