Daily Mail



WHAT would you bid on this hand after North opens 1 ♣ and RHO(East) overcalls 1 ♥ ? YOU have a few options: Double, 1NT, 2 ♣ ,3 ♣ , 2 ♦ or Pass. So, let’s look at the merits of each.

A double is often used as negative to show the other two suits, but assuming it is to be used for penalties here, the hand is still unsuitable. East could easily come to seven tricks in hearts, despite your trump holding, and you could miss a better contract of your own.

You have the necessary HCPs to bid 1NT, as well as stoppers in the opponent’s suit, but don’t seriously consider such a bid with a void in the other major.

A limit raise supporting partner’s suit is a reasonable option, but do you choose 2 ♣ or 3 ♣ ? The hand is too strong for a simple raise and, if you jump raise, partner will expect you to have four-card support for him.

We’ll consider the other two options tomorrow.

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