Daily Mail



ACROSS 1 Large strong travelling bag (7) 5 Heal (4) 7 Receptacle for rubbish (3) 8 Postpone work on (8) 9 Fashion (5) 10 Touch down (4) 13 Chimney deposit (4) 14 Very dry (4) 18 Gaelic (4) 19 Liver, kidney, etc. (5) 21 Collarbone (8) 22 Destroy the insides of (3) 23 Hair from sheep (4) 24 Not very (4,3) DOWN 1 Customary (8) 2 Women’s underwear (8) 3 Fleet of ships (6) 4 In recent times (6) 5 Huts (6) 6 Annoy (4) 11 Close quarters combat between planes (8) 12 Small dagger (8) 15 Foolish talk (6) 16 Signal fire (6) 17 Contempora­ry (6) 20 Male voice (4)

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