Daily Mail



EVERY week, Money Mail receives hundreds of your letters and emails about our stories. Here are some from our article on how certain pet insurance firms try to wriggle out of paying claims . . .

INSURANCE firms always ask how they can refuse, recoup or reduce claims. I used to work as a loss adjuster. I know the drill. T. S., Ashford.

ALWAYS check the policy smallprint. The premium may seem small, but it’s not worth it if it doesn’t cover what you need. H. N., London.

IT WOULD be more sensible to open another bank account and use it to save up for vet bills than to take out an insurance policy. I. C., by email.

IN 1995, my cat was killed by a car so I claimed on my pet insurance. I was told to send a photo and a signed statement from my vet to prove the cat was dead. B. C., by email.

PET insurance is just a scam. Firms usually stop paying out in full once an animal is eight years old, which is when it is more likely to need treatment. C. R., Paris.

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