Daily Mail


nataLie Warner, 19, is a university student. She lives in Dumfries, Scotland. She says:


I’VE lost count of the number of times I’ve been skinny shamed — starting when I was around ten. I’ve been called ‘skinny’ or ‘skeletal’.

People think nothing of saying things like: ‘Come on Natalie have another burger’ or even aggressive comments like ‘Wow, you’re so skinny I could break you in two.’

I had one male colleague tell me he was surprised to see me eat a yoghurt because he thought I was anorexic.

Some people think commenting on my weight is a compliment. But it can be really hurtful and, besides, whose business is it what size I am?

I’m 5ft 10in and 9st — so yes, very slim but also healthy. It’s probably down to genes as both my mum and sister are slim. My mum studied nutrition and has always given us three hearty meals a day.

People are constantly surprised by how much I can eat and can’t help but make comments. Usually I laugh them off — but there have been times when I’ve said something sarcastic. I’ve realised most people don’t actually think they’re being mean, so I’ve learned mostly to ignore it.

Fat shaming and skinny shaming are two sides of the same coin — making people feel bad about their bodies. If I called someone obese, it would be just as hurtful.

I would love to gain weight. I’ve tried protein bars, shakes and adjusting my diet, but it’s hard. I suppose I am grateful. People tell me metabolism can decrease with age so I’m going to eat all the tasty food — and lots of it — while I still can!

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