Daily Mail

Straight to the POINT


÷ ‘IS EASTER the new Christmas?’ asks Libby Purves (Inspire). She must have seen the billboards in my town for Peter Pan — Easter Panto.

JANICE MOORE, Southport, Merseyside.

÷ I DON’T have a problem with MPs going on their Easter break. What worries me is that they will return.

PHILIP LEWIS, Aldwick, W. Sussex.

÷ IF ADVERTS had to be slotted alongside the BBC’s self-promoting links, there would be little time left for the programmes.

ROD CRISP, Hunstanton, Norfolk.

÷ I’M WAITING seven weeks for a GP appointmen­t. Can anyone beat that?


÷ GLAD to see Mick Jagger is on the mend and not ready to gather any moss yet.

CLIVE GLADSTONE, Cullercoat­s, Tyne & Wear.

÷ CHERYL claims she doesn’t need a man to have another baby. Someone should tell her the facts of life.

MARIANNE GASTON, Cheltenham, Glos.

÷ OF COURSE tickets to football matches are expensive (Letters). The money is needed to pay the meagre salaries of the poor players.

EDDIE HYATT, Gloucester.

÷ DISCIPLINE in football has gone for a Barton.

GEORGE VALENTINE, Rotherham, S. Yorks.

÷ WHAT to do with black plastic food trays that can’t be recycled? Use them as drainage in the bottom of flowerpots.

SUE WISE-HOPKINS, Ashford, Kent. FOR permission to copy cuttings for internal management and informatio­n purposes, please contact the Newspaper Licensing Agency (NLA), PO Box 101, Tunbridge Wells TN1 1WX. Tel: 01892 525273. e-mail: copy@nla.co.uk

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