Daily Mail

Could a £750 HELMET REALLY restore women’s thinning hair?

- By CAROLINE JONES 7/10 3/10 2/10

HaIr loss treatment in men has been revolution­ised following the developmen­t of transplant techniques and the launch of the prescripti­on drug finasterid­e.

But none of these is much help for the eight million women also affected.

finasterid­e isn’t licensed to treat female hair loss because it has been linked with birth defects when taken during pregnancy.

and hair transplant­s tend to be performed only on men, as treating the smaller hairline areas in which males generally recede is much easier than treating the overall scalp shedding more commonly experience­d by women.

so can any DIY products help with female hair loss instead? We asked Dr sharon Wong, a consultant dermatolog­ist who specialise­s in hair loss at London Bridge Hospital, to review a selection. We then rated them.


£13.50 for 250ml, amazon.co.uk

CLAIM: This product contains lupin protein, biotin and caffeine, said to ‘stimulate hair growth and strengthen follicles’. simply apply to the hair, leave for four minutes, then rinse.

EXPERT VERDICT: Caffeine has been shown to reduce hair loss in two small studies using hair follicles.

It appears to work by increasing levels of a protein inside the follicles called IGf‑1, which helps promote growth.

However, we don’t know how much caffeine would reach the hair follicle with a shampoo that is washed off.

There is no robust evidence that lupin protein (extracted from the bean of the lupin plant) has an effect on hair growth, either.

Biotin is widely used as a supplement for hair health, but a recent review found that, unless you have a deficiency of this nutrient — which is very rare — there is no benefit in taking it. We also don’t know if meaningful amounts would be absorbed when applied topically. 4/10


£51.99 for 60 tablets, boots.com CLAIM: This supplement contains the proteins Marilex and biotin. It is claimed to be ‘proven to help maintain a normal hair growth cycle and promote hair growth’. You take two tablets daily.

EXPERT VERDICT: Marilex, a fish protein extract, contains large molecules called proteoglyc­ans, which are known to play a key role in supporting the normal hair growth cycle.

This three‑stage cycle begins with a long, active period of growth, then a short transition period where the blood supply to the hair stops, followed by a third ‘resting’ phase which ends in the hair being shed. The follicle then starts growing new hair again.

In most forms of hair loss, this normal cycle has been disturbed.

a decent supplement such as this should help maintain a healthy growth cycle — especially in the growing phase, when the demand for nutrients is highest.

This should result in thicker and stronger hair over time, but it won’t help with genetic pattern baldness, which has more complex causes.


£29.99, amazon.co.uk

CLAIM: This batteryope­rated comb contains red and blue lights to deliver low‑level laser therapy (LLLT). It promises to ‘stop hair loss’ and ‘make hair grow thicker, stronger and healthier’. Brush hair for 15 to 20 minutes daily.

EXPERT VERDICT: LLLT for hair loss was discovered by accident in the sixties when safety studies were being conducted on shaved mice to assess the risk of skin cancers when using lasers.

The lasers didn’t cause cancer, but did trigger hair growth. It is thought energy from the light is absorbed by the hair follicles, encouragin­g resting follicles to move on to the growth phase.

The success comes down to the quality and strength of the lasers used. This device uses LED lights, which cover a wider wavelength of light and won’t deliver the same amount of energy as medicalgra­de lasers. any effect on hair growth will be much weaker.


£34.99 for 73ml, boots.com

CLAIM: This scalp foam contains minoxidil, which, the maker says, is proven to regrow hair in 80 per cent of women with female pattern hair loss. apply to affected areas of the scalp once a day.

EXPERT VERDICT: Minoxidil is licensed for treating genetic hair loss in men and women. It’s thought to work by improving blood flow to the hair follicles, stimulatin­g them to stay in the active growth stage for longer. This results in thicker hair — and more of it — over time.

some users experience scalp irritation, and, more rarely, facial hair growth, but there is a weaker version with a lower concentrat­ion of minoxidil if this happens.

Bear in mind that you must keep using the product long‑term to maintain results. 9/10


£749, theradome forhairlos­s.co.uk

CLAIM: This has 80 lasers, making it as powerful as devices used in hair loss clinics, it is claimed. Use the helmet for 20 minutes twice a week.

EXPERT VERDICT: Like the comb ( see above), this is another example of low‑level laser therapy. However, it is far more powerful than many other devices that emit red laser light. That’s because this product uses medical‑grade lasers that emit a therapeuti­c wavelength of red light.

as a helmet, it can convenient­ly treat the whole scalp for people with hair loss all over. The main downside is its cost, but, compared with going to hair clinics for a similar treatment — costing £40 to £ 100 per time — it would probably save money in the long run if it works for you. 8/10


£11.99 for 30ml, amazon.co.uk

CLAIM: This serum contains Chinese herbs which, the maker says, ‘promote hair growth’ and ‘ prevent hair loss’. You mix the serum daily with your shampoo and leave it on your scalp for three minutes before rinsing.

EXPERT VERDICT: a few studies have suggested that, applied topically, the herbs used here — dong quai and platycladu­s orientalis — have hair growth benefits.

However, these were very small laboratory studies on mice — we would need much larger studies on human scalps to know if they would have the same effect there.

also, this is a product mainly bought online and imported, so it’s impossible to know how much of any of the herbs it actually contains and whether there are any risks in applying it.


£34.99 for 60 capsules, treatyours­kin.com

CLAIM: This contains a protein taken from pea shoots that, the maker says, is ‘ scientific­ally proven to reduce hair loss’. Take two capsules daily after a meal.

EXPERT VERDICT: In a study of the pea protein conducted by the manufactur­er, plucked human hairs that had had the extract applied to them twice daily for two weeks were compared with plucked hairs before treatment.

Those that had the pea protein applied had higher levels of several important signalling proteins that activate new hair growth.

a further three‑month study found that applying pea protein helped increase hair thickness.

But the studies were small and unpublishe­d. also, they looked at the effects of applying the protein topically — there is no independen­t research to show that taking this nutrient as an oral supplement will have the same effect. 5/10


£8, tropicskin­care.com CLAIM: This round brush with silicone tips is said to ‘stimulate follicles on the scalp’ and ‘encourage healthy hair growth’. Use while shampooing or on a dry scalp.

EXPERT VERDICT: There is no robust evidence that scalp massage either helps encourage hair growth or reduces hair loss.

One Japanese study looked at nine healthy men who received four‑minute scalp massages daily for six months. It found that this actually reduced the number of hairs and made no difference to the rate of growth.

Larger studies are needed to properly investigat­e the effects of massage on hair follicles. 3/10

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