Daily Mail



You are West playing in 4 ♥ , against which North leads off with three top spades and then switches to a low diamond. How would you play from there? You’ve lost all the tricks you can afford. The only possible danger, then, lies in the trump suit itself — either defender might hold four to the knave.

As you have won the first diamond trick in dummy, the temptation is to play off dummy’s ♥ A first, but you mustn’t — you have to leave yourself a finesse position in either hand.

If South is void, you will see it at once, and will put up your ♥ Q, next finessing North’s ♥ J by leading low and playing dummy’s ♥ 9.

If South follows to the first trick, still win with the ♥ Q and, if you see North show out, return to dummy’s ♥ A and lead through South’s remaining ♥ Jx.

If both defenders follow to the first heart trick, they will fall on your ♥ A-K-Q anyway.

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