Daily Mail


Historian and nature writer


. ..are you reading now?

LE GRAND Meaulnes, while sitting in exactly the France profonde in which Alain-Fournier’s 1913 coming-of-age novel is set. It’s half fable and half requiem-in-advance for lost idealism — the author himself was killed in the Great War. And it is wholly fabulous.

...would you take to a desert island?

DELPHI’S The Complete Works Of John Clare, the tribune of the English countrysid­e. I love, with the adoration of a disciple, Clare’s tender words towards his fellow creatures.

. ..gave you the reading bug?

BB’S The Little Grey Men. It’s impossible now, I suspect, to get 11-year-old boys to read about the last gnomes in England. But it was BB who enabled me to see the iridescenc­e in the magpie’s tail feathers, the perfect curve of the earwig’s pincers. I read BB books to this day.

. ..left you cold?

EVERY thriller by John le Carre from the last 30 years, though I do keep trying. They are untroubled by authentic characters, unmoved by genuine insight. Yes, even the gods fall. Still Water, by John lewis-Stempel, is out now (Doubleday £14.99).

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