Daily Mail



AN ARM sling holds someone’s forearm in a horizontal or slightly raised position. This gives support for an injured upper arm, an injured wrist or forearm, or for someone who can bend their elbow or has a rib fracture. Use a triangular bandage. Put it under the injured arm with the longest edge (the base) parallel to the tip of the little finger. The tip of the bandage (the point) should stick out past their elbow.

Gently pull the top end under their injured arm around the neck to the opposite shoulder.

Take the end that’s hanging down over their arm and then up to meet the other end of the sling at their shoulder.

Tie the ends together in a knot at the hollow above their collar bone and tuck in the ends.

Adjust the sling so that it supports their arm all the way to the top of their little finger.

Twist the tip by their elbow until it fits snugly and put a safety pin in it.

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