Daily Mail


one of the best things about summer is fun days out. here are tips for enjoying a full social life, while being kind to your waistline.


At a festival . . .

check out all the food stalls when you first arrive. then you’ll know the best place to head for when you get hungry.

avoId greasy fried foods or pies, and choose fresh, herby salads or rice bowls packed with vegetables instead.

Look for dishes with filling ingredient­s such as beans, legumes and grains.

take your own snacks with you. Bananas, rice cakes and popcorn are all good options.

aLWays carry a water bottle to help you stay hydrated and avoid buying sugary drinks.

At the seaside . . .

an average portion of fish and chips from the chippie is about 30 smartPoint­s! ask for a smaller portion or save your weekly extra points and fill up on mushy peas instead.

When possible, choose a grilled, steamed or baked fish fillet rather than fried.

or PIck non-smoked seafood options which are 0 smartPoint­s, but also big on flavour, such as crab, scallops, mussels and prawns.

At the buffet ...

check out the buffet table to find the healthier dishes before you start filling your plate.

go for foods that are grilled, steamed, baked or boiled — rather than fried — and load up on veggies and lean meats.

fInd somewhere quiet to sit down properly and enjoy your food. try to stay out of view of the buffet so you’re not tempted to nip back and pick!

avoId foods laden with sauces and condiments. adding your own makes it much easier to track what you are eating.

It can be easy to overeat at buffets. try to eat mindfully and stop when you are full.

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