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Dear Oscar, I’m 86 years old, and a ‘real’ Taurean. Can spiritual awakenings be seen in birth charts? Yours Valerie

Dear Valerie, Yes, spiritual paths are best seen in personal charts linked to birth-times. But, Venus, ruler of Taurus, will soon converge with the ‘awakener’ Uranus in your sign for the first time since 1941. So, no matter how late in the day, now’s a great time to sit up and smell the (delicious) coffee! Best wishes Oscar

ARIES Mar 21 - Apr 20 IF ‘NECESSITY’ is the mother of invention, the father must be ‘inspiratio­n’. In order for a truly creative act to take place, both must be present and working together. To add to the analogy of birth, it seems fitting that inspiratio­n happens in a ‘flash’. It doesn’t need to linger in order to have a profound effect. As you grow more conscious of a need in your life, you’re also becoming more aware of how you can fix it. It’s time to appreciate your ingenuity. Give your creativity a chance and be hopeful today. In a week of cosmic creativity, you can transform your life. For four minutes of valuable news, call 0906 751 5601.

TAURUS Apr 21 - May 21 SETTLING for ‘good enough’ is always risky. Should you have held out a little longer? Have you blinded yourself to other possibilit­ies by committing to a secondbest, ‘it-will-do-for-now’ option? It all comes down to how you go about filling the gaps in your world. If you’re straightfo­rward about making use of temporary fixes, there’s no reason that you won’t be able to exchange these for better, more permanent solutions when they come along. With Venus in your sign, that will be more than enough. In a week of exceptiona­l cosmic activity, take advantage of the potential for transforma­tion. Call 0906 751 5602.

GEMINI May 22 - June 22 HAVE you made a right or a wrong assessment of what you’re dealing with? In order to give a fair reply, you’ll need to consider all the other rights and wrongs. For example, you might be correct in thinking that someone has made a mistake, but incorrect when you try to explain why they’re not right! What you consider to be wrong could be fine with someone else! If you’re seeking a cordial way to resolve tension, conceding a minor defeat could lead to a peaceful compromise. You can use the celestial energy to create positive change. For valuable insight and news, call 0906 751 5603.

CANCER June 23 - July 23 TIME passes in the blinking of an eye. The carefree children playing happily in the park will one day be parents, watching children of their own at play. What do they need to build their future? What joys of today do you want to preserve for future generation­s? If you can find a way to take your love, joy, patience and unfailing belief in human goodness with you into the future, then the most inspiring part of you will live on eternally. With Venus in a new home, let love and generosity light your way. Take full advantage of the inspiring cosmic climate; solve your problems and find solutions! Call 0906 751 5604.

LEO July 24 - Aug 23 HERE, in the 21st century, we think we’ve got it all sussed out. Yet people in the past knew many things that we’ve forgotten. Consider the size of shoes. Modern shoemakers have decided that we all have stock-sized feet. Made-to-measure cobblers are thin on the ground. Today, it’s worth going the extra mile and searching for something that has been relegated to the past. An off-the-peg solution won’t be much help to you. A hidden, lost treasure holds the key to success. In a week of cosmic creativity, you can transform your life. For four minutes of valuable news, call 0906 751 5605.

VIRGO Aug 24 - Sep 23 INSTEAD of dealing with the big issues, we often bury our heads in the sand and fret about tiny things. We disagree over unimportan­t details and commit — with gusto — to debating the difference­s between, for example, white and Spanish onions, as though it actually matters! All the while, the big issue is only getting bigger. Minor concerns are distractin­g you from addressing something that’s really and truly important. A genuine solution can’t be found before you look at the larger picture. In a week of exceptiona­l cosmic activity, take advantage of the potential for transforma­tion. Call 0906 751 5606.

LIBRA Sep 24 - Oct 23 SINCE you’re a fast thinker as well as a fast mover, it’s not easy to see what you’ve done to achieve progress. When things are running smoothly, you make it look so easy. So, all you have to do is to keep on form. The trouble, at the moment, is that you’re unsure of how to cope with a little problem that won’t go away. Yet even though you’re feeling under pressure, you’re still on form. Now that Venus has moved into a new celestial home, you can make a brilliant decision — and act on it. You can use the celestial energy to create positive change. For valuable insight and news, call 0906 751 5607.

SCORPIO Oct 24 - Nov 22 DID you ever experiment with invisible ink when you were a child? You could write a message and pass it to a friend who, by carefully holding it above a source of heat, would be able to read your words. You need to be alert for similar coded messages in your world today. This could be in the form of written communicat­ion. Or it could mean paying attention to what someone’s actions or body language are trying to tell you, rather than listening to their words. You might be very pleased with what you find. Take full advantage of the inspiring cosmic climate; solve your problems and find solutions! Call 0906 751 5608.

SAGITTARIU­S Nov 23 - Dec 21 STEPS that you’ve taken recently have enabled you to begin to see into your future. What might be surprising is that it doesn’t look the same as the last time you looked. As your expectatio­ns have altered, your prospects have changed. With experience has come wisdom, which has freed you from some of the negativity that affected your ability to dream. Now that you can see how far you’ve come, you’re not as uncertain about your prospects as you were. This trend is set to continue. In a week of cosmic creativity, you can transform your life. For four minutes of valuable news, call 0906 751 5609.

CAPRICORN Dec 22 - Jan 20 I DON’T want to shock you, but you’re on a ball of rock which is currently spinning faster than the speed of a moving bullet. So what do we earthlings need to do to ensure that our planet continues to move in this way? Is there a button that needs pressing regularly? Should we take it in turns to keep our foot on the accelerato­r? Of course not! Fortunatel­y, a great cosmologic­al entity has it covered. Elsewhere in your world there’s much that is, quite rightly, out of your hands. You can afford to relax. In a week of exceptiona­l cosmic activity, take advantage of the potential for transforma­tion. Call 0906 751 5610.

AQUARIUS Jan 21 - Feb 19 YOU take pride in having a clear vision and a defined sense of purpose. You enjoy life more when you’re on a mission. Yet it can be hard to be certain that your objective is always irreproach­able. How can you tell if you’re dreaming up a convenient fantasy which you support using a system of carefully constructe­d theories? Is what you’re embarking on really the best thing that you could be doing? Stop! Don’t allow your inner critic to put you off track. You can proceed with confidence. You can use the celestial energy to create positive change. For valuable insight and news, call 0906 751 5611.

PISCES Feb 20 - Mar 20 YOU’RE close to making an important discovery. Venus’s change of signs is focusing your mind and bringing clarity to your view of events happening in the world about you. Recently, an issue has been taking up large amounts of your energy. The more effort you put into it, the more it seems to demand. This is making you feel anxious about a future arrangemen­t. Yet you’ve coped impeccably in far more stressful circumstan­ces in the past. Be confident now that your path is heading towards success. Take full advantage of the inspiring cosmic climate; solve your problems and find solutions! Call 0906 751 5612.

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