Daily Mail

The Lynx effect

Coma boy is woken by smell of his deodorant

- By Chris Brooke

The adverts promise it will have women falling at your feet with one spray.

But it seems that Lynx deodorant might have another hidden power.

A boy of 13 suddenly woke up from a nine- day coma after getting a whiff of his favourite daily scent.

Kacper Krauze was pulled out of the River eden in Cumbria by emergency services after being submerged for 25 minutes in freezing cold water.

his mother Wioletta Krauze, 43, is convinced the scent acted as a sensory trigger. She said: ‘It was a miracle. We had tried everything to wake him up. A nurse had suggested I bring in some of his toiletries to wash him with.

‘As soon as I sprayed the Lynx he opened his eyes immediatel­y. he must have remembered that was his favourite smell.’

She added: ‘We had tried so hard to get him to wake up from his coma. We had played music, we had spent hours talking to him. But in the end it was the Lynx which did it. I just couldn’t believe it.’

Kacper fell in the water while playing with friends near the river in his home town of Appleby in February.

After receiving a phone call, his mother, father Marek, 50, and brother Karol, 19, raced to the river and found him in the water. Firemen arrived to pull him out and then handed him over to paramedics.

he was flown to the Freeman hospital in Newcastle and given CPR. he was also given a treatment which saw his blood passed through a machine that warms it, adds oxygen and removes carbon dioxide before pumping it back into his body.

Doctors believe this was vital in his survival, but what woke him from the coma is less certain. Mrs Krauze, a carer, said: ‘his condition was very, very bad, I was praying like mad. We were next to him all the time. But it took a can of Lynx to bring him round.’

Kacper still struggles slightly with his speech and using his right hand but otherwise has made a full recovery.

he said: ‘I am really grateful to all the doctors, nurses and the Great North Air Ambulance for saving my life.

‘I have always absolutely loved Lynx. It’s my favourite smell. I will continue to wear it now, always. It’s my lucky charm.’

Research has suggested that stimulatin­g the senses may help a coma patient to recover.

Susan Williams, 66, a nurse for 40 years, said: ‘When patients are in comas, their senses often remain active. The senses of smell, touch and sound are some of the last functions to close down.

‘No one will ever know for sure but it is more than possible that a smell as powerful and familiar as Lynx would have stimulated Kacper’s brain and caused him to wake from his coma.’

 ??  ?? My lucky charm: Kacper with his cans of Lynx
My lucky charm: Kacper with his cans of Lynx

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