Daily Mail

Made a scapegoat


OF COUrSe Theresa May made mistakes, but am i the only person to be appalled at the way she is being made the scapegoat for the failure of Parliament to deliver on Brexit?

She is having the sins of the remainers and hard-line Brexiteers laid upon her and is being driven into the wilderness.

The unholy alliance between these two groups in opposing every proposal for a solution — one side because it goes too far, the other because it doesn’t go far enough — has been the primary reason for making a deal almost impossible.

at least we know where the remainers are coming from. From the outset they made clear their intention to thwart the wishes of the majority who voted in the referendum.

Hard- line Brexiteers, however, seem to have neither the integrity nor the intelligen­ce to realise that while they were stabbing Mrs May in the back, they were shooting themselves in the foot. To think we may have to choose between Boris Johnson and Jeremy Corbyn as Prime Minister in the near future is the stuff of nightmares. CHARLES B. JONES,

address supplied. WHaT were all those Honourable MPs doing while Theresa May wrecked Brexit?

instead of condemning just her, shouldn’t we be questionin­g the whole House of Commons for putting their interests before those of the voters? They should have worked together instead of ripping the Prime Minister to shreds. i, for one, admire Theresa May and would like to thank her for doing her best.

CARLA HOWES, Crick, Northants.

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