Daily Mail

A boost for your circulatio­n

Drug-free treatment while you watch the television


FEW people realise it, but the muscles of the legs and feet contract and relax, acting like a ‘second heart’ to help pump the blood uphill from the feet and the ankles.

However, poor circulatio­n can make it difficult for your body to return blood from your lower limbs, which can cause them to ache and swell.

But now many sufferers are finding a new lease of life, thanks to a revolution­ary device that acts as a circulatio­n booster.

It is a circular footrest that can weave its magic while you sit back in your armchair and watch TV.

It uses clinically-proven electrical muscle stimulatio­n (EMS) technology, which sends electrical pulses gently up through the feet and into the body.

In a recent clinical trial, this was shown to boost lower leg circulatio­n by 50 per cent in healthy people.

The drug-free treatment can be used from just 30 minutes a day and won’t interfere with any existing medication. User Sheree Williams, from Telford, who suffers from neuropathy, says: ‘It’s made a big difference. I can stay on my feet much longer, and my legs don’t hurt as much.’

There is a circulatio­n booster on the market that is a classified medical device, which means you can claim back the VAT on it, making it even better value for money.

The culminatio­n of a century of research, it uses very different technology from inferior models, which may be called massagers or talked about as TENS. Instead, EMS is a clinically proven technology that has been used in wider physiother­apy and rehabilita­tion circles for years.

And the circulatio­n booster itself is the subject of a fiveyear clinical trial programme by the world-renowned research team at Imperial College London.

It has a proven track record and is there to help make life easier as we grow older.


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