Daily Mail

London chases Saudi riches

- Ruth Sunderland BUSINESS EDITOR

THE City is getting excited again about the prospect of a float for Saudi Aramco. It’s easy to see why: Aramco is bigger than Apple and Alphabet, the owner of Google. Sitting as it does on a fifth of the world’s oil reserves, it dwarves our own oil majors, Shell and BP.

Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, who has pushed the idea of a float as part of a plan to raise cash and diversify the Saudi economy, believes it should be valued at more than £1.6trillion.

Objective observers say it is not worth anything like that. But let’s not split hairs: it’s enormous, and so would be the fees for investment banks and other advisers.

There is a school of thought that Aramco has no real intention of listing in London or anywhere else, but is merely giving off signals to put greedy banks and needy politician­s at its beck and call.

Assuming such cynicism is misplaced and the Saudis are serious, then the City is a strong contender to host the float.

The London Stock Exchange is more internatio­nally oriented than New York. Our listing regime, investment environmen­t and legal system are seen as friendlier to overseas companies. Theresa May flew out to bat for London when she was in No 10 and now Boris the Booster will no doubt do the same.

Winning the Aramco float could be presented as a grand coup, a vivid demonstrat­ion of how post-Brexit Britain has pulling power in the big wide world outside of the European Union.

But we have to ask at what price? When it comes to the Saudi regime, some have deep misgivings over women’s rights, the kingdom’s role in Yemen and the death of journalist Jamal Khashoggi.

There are also serious governance concerns around Aramco.

The Financial Conduct Authority has already moved to relax the rules in the hope of wooing the Saudis ahead of the previous shelved listing. But not everyone thinks we should be bending over backwards to accommodat­e Aramco. The Institute of Directors, not known for its rabble-rousing, says it is a lowering of standards that puts the UK’s reputation for governance in some peril.

The critics have a point. Aramco’s sole raison d’etre has been to provide endless gushers of cash for the Saudi state. Though it recently hosted its first ever phone call to explain its results to analysts, the firm is not known for transparen­cy or disclosure.

It’s a stretch to imagine, therefore, that UK minority investors would ever be high on its priority list.

Yet if it lists here, individual British pension savers could be forced to put their money in whether they want to or not, through index tracking funds.

So the regulators have a duty to make sure their interests are protected if Aramco does come here.

Of course it would be a feather in the cap to win the Aramco listing. But politician­s and regulators would be foolish to gloss over the obvious bear-traps.

PPI time

A WEEK to go until the PPI claims deadline and I’ve finally lodged my complaint against Barclays, which sold me an expensive policy when I took out my mortgage.

For those readers who, like me, have been busy and left it to the last minute, I can report that the complaint procedure, which I had been dreading, is painless.

I went to the FCA website, found a link to the relevant bank and filled in its form online. The whole thing took about half an hour, not counting the rather longer time it took for me to rootle through my old files to find the dog-eared policy.

It is perfectly straightfo­rward and there is absolutely no need to use a claims management company. The fees they charge are a rip-off – capped at 24pc including VAT – and they don’t give you any better chance of succeeding. So if you think you’ve got a valid claim, lodge it yourself for free. Just be quick about it.

In the red

THE public borrowing figures have come in rather worse than expected, with borrowing £6 billion higher in the first four months of this year than the same period of 2018.

That’s a pain for Boris Johnson and his Chancellor Sajid Javid, as it puts a bit of a dampener on the various tax cuts and spending plans that have been touted about. But with the Office of Budget Responsibi­lity predicting a £30billion black hole in the public finances if there is a No Deal exit and economists lining up to forecast dire consequenc­es, they might have bigger worries.

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