Daily Mail

Snap poll is ‘elephant trap,’ says Blair

- By Jason Groves Political Editor

ToNY blair will today warn Labour not to fall into the ‘elephant trap’ of forcing a snap election, as senior party figures remained hopelessly split on the issue.

In a speech in London, the former prime minister will say the ‘right way’ to consult the public on brexit is through a second referendum, not a general election.

Labour is divided over whether to push for a formal vote of no- confidence in boris Johnson that could lead to a snap poll.

but Mr blair will warn that forcing an election would play into Mr Johnson’s hands.

He will say: ‘The brexiteers are laying a trap, to seem as if pushed into an election against their will, when they’re actively preparing for it. Jeremy Corbyn should see an election for the elephant trap it is. If the Government tries to force an election, Labour should vote against it.’ Shadow brexit secretary Sir Keir Starmer last week won his battle to persuade Mr Corbyn to back the idea of working with Tory rebels to stop No Deal rather than seeking an immediate confidence vote.

Sir Keir yesterday indicated Labour would not support an early election if there was a risk that Mr Johnson could hold it on a date after brexit day on october 31. He told the bbC’s andrew Marr show: ‘We have to have a way of ensuring that we don’t crash out during the course of an election.’

but Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell suggested that a formal confidence vote remained ‘on the table’ after Mr Johnson’s decision to suspend Parliament left MPs with less time to try and block No Deal. He told Sky News it would be ‘very difficult’ to outlaw No Deal in the few days of parliament­ary time available.

asked if Labour could still push for a confidence vote, he said: ‘our view is, we have to use every mechanism we possibly can to prevent a No Deal and that clearly is still on the table.’

Mr McDonnell added: ‘Let me just say, general election? bring it on.’

Mr blair, a long-time campaigner for a second referendum, will today urge Labour to vote against an election even if Mr Johnson tries to call one.

The former PM will say: ‘Should the Government seek an election, it should be refused in favour of a referendum. It is counter-intuitive for opposition parties to refuse an election.

‘but in this exceptiona­l case, it is vital they do so as a matter of principle, until brexit is resolved. brexit is an issue which stands on its own, was originally decided on its own and should be reconsider­ed on its own.’

‘General election? Bring it on’

 ??  ?? Warning to Corbyn: Tony Blair
Warning to Corbyn: Tony Blair

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