Daily Mail

It was once said that 70 per cent of injuries occur in the warm-up. With Cindy’s video, I can see why!



CINDY CRAWFORD Shape Your Body (1992), around £9, amazon.co.uk WHAT IS IT?

By 1992, Cindy Crawford was well establishe­d as one of the world’s top supermodel­s, and this video, made with her celebrity fitness trainer, Radu Teodorescu, went down a storm. ‘I feel I’m not a weak little female, I’m macho,’ says Cindy in the introducti­on.

MY VERDICT: A more recognisab­ly modern routine, which takes the sort of exercises you might do with a trainer in a gym and brings them into your home.

Cindy is even swigging from a bottle of water during the workout — not something any of us in the UK had seen at that time.

The warm-up sequence shows the utterly gorgeous Cindy on a beach in a Baywatch-red swimsuit, mobilising her shoulders and legs against a backdrop of crashing waves. She looks fabulous, Amazonian and strong.

There are squats, sit- ups, lunges and glute squeezes, chest presses and arm exercises using little dumbells.

Cindy doesn’t have Jane Fonda’s grace or length of limbs, and so gambols through the exercises like an enthusiast­ic teenager, but she is very engaging.

I complete most of the workout, but at a more sedate, middle- aged pace, and skip the jackknife sit-ups, which I know will really wrench my back. EXPERT VERDICT: It was once said that, on average, 70 per cent of all workout injuries occur in the warm-up, and, with this video, I can understand why. There is little to no guidance on which muscle to focus on, how to hold your body in alignment, or what muscles to engage to support the body as a whole.

With great emphasis on swinging movements, this is an injury waiting to happen. Unless you are a teenager at dance school, I might avoid this one. BEST FOR: Only the young and resilient. CALORIES BURNT: 300.


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