Daily Mail

End of the Bercow Show, the partisan pipsqueak who disgraced his office


NOTHInG bears testament to the tenure of John Bercow in the Speaker’s chair as eloquently as the manner of his departure.

Yesterday’s vomit-inducing self-tribute was precisely what we have come to expect from this partisan pipsqueak, who has brought disgrace on one of the great offices of state.

Rather than remaining impartial, he has turned Parliament into the Bercow Show, bending the rules to breaking point to further his own political prejudices and assist Labour.

no wonder that at the end of his boastful, lachrymose resignatio­n announceme­nt, he was given a standing ovation by the Opposition benches.

All but a handful of sycophants on the Conservati­ve side of the House sat silently.

Who can blame them? Bercow has moved heaven and earth to stop Brexit. He has pitched Parliament against the people.

Most recently he has employed every trick in the book to help Remainers seize control of Commons business and paralyse the Government. The Speaker has stood on its head the tried- and- tested relationsh­ip between Parliament and the executive.

Incredibly, shamefully, and against all constituti­onal precedent, he has engineered a crisis which could see a British Prime Minister sent to prison for trying to keep a solemn promise to the electorate.

Bercow has allowed Parliament to pass a law which forbids Boris Johnson from taking Britain out of the EU on October 31 without a deal.

Remainers are gloating that if Boris defies this law, as he swears he will, he can be arrested and jailed.

Consider the enormity of this. The Prime Minister is facing prison if he dares to attempt implementi­ng something which was promised in the General Election manifestos of both main parties, endorsed by Parliament, and — more importantl­y — voted for in a referendum by the largest single number of people in our history.

It’s the modern equivalent of Charles I being dragged into Whitehall and beheaded in 1649. Which might seem far-fetched until you remember that Bercow reached back to a long-forgotten, archaic rule from 1604 in his demented quest to frustrate Brexit.

When I wrote about the madness gripping Westminste­r last week, even I couldn’t have foreseen that the Speaker and the Opposition would conspire to create circumstan­ces in which the Prime Minister could have his collar felt for carrying out the will of the people.

Complete and utter lawyers like fanatical EU disciple Dominique Grieve and the Wicked Witch’s former sidekick Ken Macdonald, ex-head of the Crown Prosecutio­n Service, say that Boris must be arrested if he defies the law.

But the law didn’t exist until about five minutes ago. It was rushed through the House by Bercow, not as a long- overdue piece of legislatio­n, but as a naked political device to banjax Brexit.

A Parliament which, under this Speaker, has spent three-and-aquarter years deliberate­ly failing to take Britain out of the EU, took less than a day introducin­g a law designed to stop us ever leaving.

So what is supposed to happen now? Johnson is sticking to his pledge to leave on October 31, do or die.

In that event, will the Speaker — in his last service to a grateful nation — call on Scotland Yard to take him into custody?

Will there be a dawn raid on Downing Street, complete with helicopter­s, dogs and an armed response unit?

Put your trousers on, Boris, you’re bleedin’ nicked! HOW

the hell did we end up here? As I said last week, we live in a Looking Glass world, in which words mean whatever politician­s want them to mean.

Even worse, Bercow has so corrupted the office of Speaker he has decided rules mean whatever he wants them to mean. He has behaved more like an absolute monarch than a mere referee.

He is determined to stop Brexit come hell or high water and, although he announced his resignatio­n yesterday, intends to be there at the death, to preside over Boris Johnson’s humiliatio­n.

Just think, as this ghastly, conceited gargoyle is being carried out shoulder-high in triumph on October 31 by the massed ranks of opportunis­t Corbynista­s, die-hard Remainers and Tory turncoats, our PM could be driven away in a Black Maria.

This will be Bercow’s legacy. This is how democracy dies.

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