Daily Mail

PM’s attack on Labour, Lib Dems AND the SNP


In their own leaflets Labour say “we need a general election now”. And yet, throughout the weekend, the Right Honourable Gentleman’s cronies – together with those of other opposition parties – have been trying to disguise their prepostero­us yellow bellies by coming up with ever more outrageous excuses for delaying an election until the end of October, or perhaps November, or perhaps until hell freezes over.

It was the Liberal Democrats who called for a referendum on our membership of the EU. And once they got it – and lost it – they did nothing but strive to overturn the result. Now they want a second referendum... but they’re already planning to campaign against its result.

The First Minister of Scotland... issued a clarion call to her own assembled armies in Westminste­r to “force an election.” How do these brave stalwarts of Scottish separatism propose to force that election? By heroically abstaining.

The truth is they only believe in democracy when it delivers the results they want. Over the past few days the Labour Party has said that it wants to delay Brexit, then negotiate a new deal, then have another referendum, then campaign against their own deal in that referendum. Perhaps their next policy will be to have a referendum on whether to have a referendum.

The Leader of the Opposition cannot lead. He cannot make a decision. He cannot work out whether he is for Brexit or against it, for a referendum or against it. The only options he likes are dither and delay.

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