Daily Mail

A Speaker driven by vanity and prejudice


THE strikingly different reaction on either side of the House to John Bercow’s lachrymose resignatio­n speech yesterday, spoke volumes about what a hugely divisive Commons Speaker he’s been. From Jeremy Corbyn and the Remain alliance tributes cascaded down as they cheered him to the rafters. From the Tory benches there was glowering silence.

With his crude anti-Brexit car sticker, intemperat­e attack on the Prime Minister from his Turkish sun lounger, and constant plotting with the Opposition to overturn the referendum, Mr Bercow has been the most prejudiced Speaker of modern times.

His role was to be an honest broker. Instead he has been a shameless activist for Remain. To use his own phrase, his conduct has been ‘a constituti­onal outrage’.

Even in his departure he seeks to manipulate his succession. By pledging to resign before the next election is called, he ensures that the next Speaker will be chosen by this Remain- dominated Parliament rather than the next, which may be more balanced.

Despite its fractious, divided state, the Mail truly hopes the Commons will see sense and select a unifying figure this time, rather than another blatant partisan.

Never has the country been more in need of a plain dealer to guide Parliament through the perils of Brexit. But is this broken House capable of speaking with one voice on anything? The prospects are not good.

For narrow and cynical party advantage, the Opposition have consistent­ly voted down Boris Johnson’s call for a general election to break the deadlock.

Typically, although they have no coherent plan to get Britain off this soul-destroying carousel, they refuse to let the public pass judgment on their incompeten­ce.

It’s the height of arrogance and condemns us all to yet more drift and delay. Yes, this is partly the result of the wretched Fixed term Parliament­s Act and a disunited Government without a majority.

But make no mistake, a bad situation has been made infinitely worse by the machinatio­ns of this hubristic and compromise­d Speaker.

For anyone who believes the 2016 referendum should be honoured, his departure is a cause for celebratio­n.

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