Daily Mail

Is this proof science has found the key to beat agein

As the Mail launches a vital anti-ageing series, the cutting edge research that could help us all live better for longer


FOR centuries, the elixir of eternal life — a magic potion to eradicate ills and grant immortalit­y — has been the Holy Grail of medicine. now, thanks to a supermouse that lived a short, but astonishin­g, life in a U.S. lab, the prospect of developing revolution­ary drugs to help us live longer, healthier lives is energising scientists worldwide.

‘The race is on to discover drugs and other interventi­ons that will increase human longevity,’ says Dr João Pedro de Magalhães, a microbiolo­gist and senior lecturer at the University of Liverpool Institute of Ageing and Chronic Disease.

But this isn’t just about living longer: it’s about living more of our lives in good health, free from the diseases we accept as an inevitable part of ageing — such as heart disease, dementia and cancer.

‘Human beings are already living longer than at any other time in history,’ says another lead researcher in the field, João Passos, an associate professor of physiology in the Division of Geriatric Medicine and Gerontolog­y at the Mayo Clinic in the U.S.

‘The problem is that we are living longer, but with multiple agerelated diseases.’

What scientists have come to realise, he told Good Health, is that ‘the driver of most of the diseases that we experience in old age’ is the ageing of the cells.

‘ So, if we can target the mechanisms, we may be able to not only cure one disease, but all the different diseases together,’ he says. ‘That’s the goal.’

As the Mail launches a monthlong series on lifestyle changes for living well for longer, today we look at what the science is revealing — from longlived rats, to new ‘miracle’ drugs based on cheap, existing medicines — and ask: could a preventati­ve antiageing pill, or combinatio­n of pills, taken from middleage onwards be just a few years away?

And could such treatments help people who already have agerelated conditions, such as osteoarthr­itis?


THAnkS to medical advances, the average life expectancy in the Uk in 2016 was 80 years, compared with 57 a century ago.

Realising the enormous potential in the longevity market, entreprene­urs including Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon, the company Google, and PayPal founder Peter Thiel are pouring billions of dollars into this field.

Calico, the scientific company founded by Google in 2013 to tackle ageing, has turned for clues to a burrowing rodent found only in parts of East Africa.

The mole rat lives for more than 30 years and appears to suffer none of the usual physical deteriorat­ion associated with ageing, such as muscle loss or heart problems.

Scientists discovered that its odds of dying aged 25 are the same as when it’s aged one — equivalent to a human being no more likely to die at 90 than 30 — although it’s not yet clear why.

However, it is the U.S. supermouse that has spurred a new branch of ageing research.

The mouse was the star of breakthrou­gh research, published in the journal nature in 2011 by scientists from the Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research in Rochester, Minnesota, which focused on senescent cells — cells that stop dividing, then accumulate, releasing compounds in the body that accelerate ageing.

Since the Sixties, scientists have known that, as we age, we accumulate evergreate­r numbers of these cells, but it wasn’t clear if they were just a product of ageing or whether they caused it.

The breakthrou­gh came when scientists geneticall­y modified a mouse, typically with a short lifespan and plagued with a range of agerelated conditions, by injecting it with a synthetic drug called AP20187, designed to counter senescent cells.

‘Every time the mouse made a senescent cell, it deleted it: the cell killed itself,’ says Professor Janet Lord, director of the Institute of Inflammati­on and Ageing at the University of Birmingham. ‘ And, amazingly, the mouse developed fewer agerelated diseases.’

Importantl­y, the scientists demonstrat­ed clear benefits whether the drug was given in early or in late life.

‘Everybody in the field got very excited, because that was the first demonstrat­ion that there was an underlying process of ageing that could be tackled,’ says Lynne Cox, an associate professor in biochemist­ry at Oxford University, who is also researchin­g senescent cells.

Since then, there have been a number of studies confirming the importance of such cells in the ageing process.

In February, research in the journal Aging Cell showed that old mice pretreated with navitoclax, an experiment­al anticancer drug that kills senescent cells, recovered much better from an induced heart attack, raising the prospect of a new type of treatment for people with heart conditions.

Another study, published in the journal EMBO, demonstrat­ed that clearing out senescent cells from the hearts of mice also reduced symptoms of ageing, such as enlargemen­t and thickening of the walls of the heart muscles.

San Franciscob­ased Unity Biotechnol­ogy, funded by Bezos and Thiel, is now embarking on the next step — searching for drugs that can eliminate senescent cells in humans.

It has already carried out the first human trial of one such drug, aimed at tackling moderateto­severe osteoarthr­itis of the knee.

In the phase one trial, 78 patients were divided into two groups: one was given a dummy drug, while the other was injected in the knee with a drug codenamed UBX0101, which interferes with two proteins in the body, leading to the eliminatio­n of senescent cells.

In June, the company announced that the study had been a success; UBX0101 had been ‘welltolera­ted’ by the treated patients, who, after a single injection, had experience­d ‘improvemen­t in several clinical outcomes, including pain and function’. Results of a bigger, phase two trial are expected next year.

If the phase two results are also successful, a drug could be on the market for treating osteoarthr­itis within a few years. Meanwhile, the Mayo Clinic has been using this same approach to alleviate the effects of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis ( IPF) — a harrowing and ultimately fatal disease that usually strikes in later life, in which the lungs become increasing­ly scarred, until breathing becomes impossible.

Using a combinatio­n of two drugs that have already been shown to alleviate the effects of IPF in mice — dasatinib, used to treat leukaemia, and quercetin, a chemical found in plants and some food, including red wine, onions and apples — the first human trial of 14 patients found that, after just one week, most of the patients showed ‘significan­t and clinically meaningful’ improvemen­ts.

Patients increased the distance they could walk in six minutes from an average of 447 metres to 468, and reduced the time it took to stand up and sit down five times in a chair from 14.8 seconds to 12.6. Largescale trials will follow.


Other teams are experiment­ing with different approaches to beating the ageing process, including genes.

As part of his research into human longevity, Dr Magalhães and his team at the University of Liverpool have sequenced and analysed the genome of the bowhead whale, which, with a lifespan of up to 200 years, may be the world’s longest- living mammal, yet suffers from few age-related diseases.

‘ there has to be a genetic component to the longevity of the bowhead,’ he told Good health. ‘Obviously, they don’t have access to any kind of healthcare — so there must be natural mechanisms protecting them against disease.’

the team is now working on identifyin­g ‘promising candidate genes’ that might explain the whale’s longevity and good health, with the ultimate goal of developing a class of drugs that mimics the effects of these genes.

A reduction in calorie intake that stops short of malnutriti­on has also been found to slow ageing in experiment­s on animals.

exhaustive studies with different compounds have revealed three that appear to mimic the effect of caloric restrictio­n: rapamycin, an antibiotic used to prevent the rejection of transplant­ed organs; allantoin, a compound found in plants and the urine of some mammals, used in everything from cosmetics to toothpaste; and trichostat­in A, an antifungal antibiotic.

treatment with one or other of these three compounds has already extended the lifespan of roundworms.

‘In animals, we can already extend healthy lifespan by up to 50 per cent — and if we could do that in humans, that would already be remarkable,’ says Dr Magalhães.

Other groups are focusing on the deteriorat­ion of the human immune system, which is thought to play a major part in age-related disease.

Last year, scientists at the Novartis Institutes for BioMedical research in the U.S. reported that two types of experiment­al anti-ageing drugs successful­ly rejuvenate­d the immune systems of people aged over 65.

All 264 volunteers were given a seasonal influenza vaccine, but half received it after first undergoing six weeks of treatment with two drugs designed to block the effects of a group of proteins involved in the ageing process — Certican, an antibiotic used to prevent organ rejection, and the cancer drug Dactolisib.

the drugs reduced the incidence of all infections — including flu — experience­d by the volunteers over the following year and improved overall antiviral immunity, according to a report in the journal Science translatio­nal Medicine last year, demonstrat­ing their potential to ‘enhance immune function and decrease infection rates in the elderly’ — a big step towards longer, healthier lives.

Meanwhile, restOrbio — a Boston ‘biopharmac­eutical’ firm developing medicines to target ageing-related diseases — has launched two trials to test the effectiven­ess of a new drug known as rtB101, to treat respirator­y infections in elderly patients.

It works by blocking an enzyme in the body called tOrC1, known to contribute to the decline of several organ systems as people age, affecting immune, brain and heart function.


‘ theOretICA­LLy, there’s no reason why any organism shouldn’t live for ever,’ says Dr Magalhães.

‘But, for all animals, including mice, bowhead whales and us, longevity comes down to an issue of evolutiona­ry biology.

‘We are not designed for long life, but for reproducti­on. Once you have reproduced, evolution doesn’t care about you any more. We don’t age because there’s a reason for it; we age because there’s no reason for us not to.

‘Most of the work now under way is designed to bypass that lack of reason.’

Associate Professor Cox, of Oxford University, is cautious about what can really be achieved in terms of adding years to lifespan. ‘What is achievable in terms of longevity is being over-hyped,’ she says. ‘What we are really talking about is increasing “health span” — the number of years people spend in good health.’

According to Dr Alison Giles, director for healthy ageing at the Centre For Ageing Better, while research into increasing life expectancy is welcome, ‘ it shouldn’t distract us from initiative­s that could improve the quality of later life right now’.

‘More people are spending more of their lives in poor health, especially in less well-off parts of the country, than in previous decades,’ she told Good health.

‘Bolder action is needed to help people cut back on smoking and alcohol and to reduce the sugar and salt content of food.’

Professor Janet Lord concurs: ‘Old age doesn’t have to be a time of illness, but we can’t sit back and wait for pills.’

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