Daily Mail



MARS is moving to oppose Neptune now, while both continue to make dynamic alignments to Jupiter. Larger-than-life Jupiter takes whatever’s on the menu and supersizes it! So we must be wary of big egos and deep sensitivit­ies. To make the most of what the world has to offer, we simply need the imaginatio­n to dream, and the courage to follow our hearts. This is a chance to act upon inspiratio­n and see the bigger picture.

ARIES Mar 21 - Apr 20

WHEN people want us to slow down and be more tolerant and patient, they remind us ‘patience is a virtue’. They must think we want to be thought of as virtuous, even if we don’t care about patience! When we think we’re doing at least one thing right, it gives us a satisfying feeling; even if we’re doing something we really don’t want to do . . . and slowly, to boot! With your ruling planet, Mars, giving you additional power and influence, if you give your time to someone, you will be glad that you did. In a week of cosmic creativity, you can transform your life. For four minutes of valuable news, call 0906 751 5601.

TAURUS Apr 21 - May 21

JUST how ‘super’ are our ‘superheroe­s’? Well . . . Thor’s brother is a murderous psychopath. Iron Man is a megalomani­ac. Batman has problems with his job and his relationsh­ips. And when was the last time anyone monitored Spiderman’s radiation levels? If you think the women fare better, don’t even get me started on Super Girl. You might have your own trials and tribulatio­ns but that doesn’t take anything away from your many other talents. Be the superhero of your own world, today. Powerful changes are possible as the planets positively combine. Make the most of their influence. Call 0906 751 5602.

GEMINI May 22 - June 22

WHO owns planet Earth? Even though there are people who would like to be able to buy bits and pieces of it, it doesn’t belong to anyone. It’s not mine, yours, or anyone else’s. So, since we have no ownership rights, why do we think we’re entitled to celestial support? Yet, we all belong here, and each of us participat­es in the share of astrologic­al blessings. Though you feel as if the cosmos is not on your side, you’re about to see that it really does have your interest at heart! In a time of celestial creativity, you can transform your life. Your week ahead forecast is packed with news. Call 0906 751 5603.

CANCER June 23 - July 23

WHEN we have something to say which we know that someone is going to find hard to hear, we often find strange things coming out of our mouths. We might offer opinions that we don’t really hold, even align ourselves to views that we’re normally against. We find anything we can to hide behind, in an attempt to disguise our true purpose and motive. As Mars prepares to connect with Neptune tomorrow, it enables you to see a truth that someone’s been hiding from you. Honesty will bring relief. You can use the celestial energy to create positive change. For valuable insight and news, call 0906 751 5604.

LEO July 24 - Aug 23

I WONDER if I could borrow some money? I’d pay it back, of course, with interest. If you’re willing to do that, I could afford to lend you the money back. But I charge higher interest rates than you. If that doesn’t feel fair, why don’t you lend it back to me and put your rates up a bit? We could have so much fun! Actually, we’d get ourselves into a right old mess. We’re capable of complicati­ng all sorts of transactio­ns, not just those concerned with finance. Think about who you think you owe today. How can you benefit from this week’s powerful astrologic­al outlook? It can change your life. For good news, call 0906 751 5605.

VIRGO Aug 24 - Sep 23

SOME magazines and newspapers are interested in the exceptiona­l, the sensationa­l and, frankly, the downright odd. Some care little for the day-to-day affairs of the general populace. When a story breaks, we tend to personalis­e the drama, and protect ourselves against this perceived latest ‘threat’. Political malpractic­e? We watch our bosses with suspicion. Violence on the street? We lock our doors. But does this have any relation to our reality? Protect yourself from the powers of your imaginatio­n today. Take full advantage of the inspiring cosmic climate; solve your problems and find solutions! Call 0906 751 5606.

LIBRA Sep 24 - Oct 23

EVERYONE can smile and be kind to other people when they’re feeling content. The challenge arises when we’re stressed or nervous; or caught up in regret or sadness. That’s when it becomes hard to think straight, let alone think about being nice. Yet these are the moments when we most need to pull ourselves up by our bootstraps and overcome the desire to disappear into a pit of despair. You suspect that you’re powerless to change a situation . . . but there’s something tangible you can do. In a week of exceptiona­l cosmic activity, take advantage of the potential for transforma­tion. Call 0906 751 5607.

SCORPIO Oct 24 - Nov 22

SURELY you don’t dare to think you have the answer to a very important question? What gives you the right to imagine that you can even broach a topic that has baffled and bewildered so many people before you? Since they’ve been in a similar situation to the one you’re in, and failed to make progress, shouldn’t you be less optimistic, and ready to give up? Yet, you’re different! You can make a real difference to a challengin­g situation. Go for it! Don’t let your hopes be governed by other people’s doubt. You’ve got lots to look forward to! Find inspiratio­n in your latest four-minute forecast. Call 0906 751 5608.

SAGITTARIU­S Nov 23 - Dec 21

SOME of us never change our political beliefs. We vote for the same party we’ve always voted for, which our parents and grandparen­ts voted for, before us. They don’t even need to know much about policies, values, principles or priorities. I remind you of this today because you don’t want to fall into an unusual rut. You know there’s no harm in changing your opinions or your allegiance­s. So, if the time has come to walk away from a certain scenario, go right ahead and do it. Even if you don’t usually call your in-depth prediction, you should hear the inspiring news. Call 0906 751 5609.

CAPRICORN Dec 22 - Jan 20

YOU don’t need to be a trained psychother­apist to understand you’re under no obligation to make allowances for someone’s moods and feelings. No one’s passed a law obliging you to be compassion­ate. Yet, the influence of an empowered Mars suggests matters that once seemed to be of little consequenc­e are now growing larger. The more care and thought you put into your relationsh­ips, the more trouble can be avoided. With a gentle approach, you’ll be able to give wise advice. Capture the powerful energy of the positively star-filled skies. Call your in-depth, fourminute forecast: 0906 751 5610.

AQUARIUS Jan 21 - Feb 19

‘NO. No, I’m afraid this is the way we do things now. We used to do it like that but, after X, Y and Z, we just couldn’t go back’. Categorica­l statements are often used to justify restrictiv­e policies and blinkered procedures. They may sound reasonable and rational, but they are not. Perhaps it would be better if we agreed to be more cautious after a problem, rather than try to create a situation in which it can never happen again. As Mars is empowered, watch for a tendency to overreact today. Fulfil your dreams! Let the week’s powerful celestial outlook reveal your heart’s true desires. For good news, call 0906 751 5611.

PISCES Feb 20 - Mar 20

IF YOU’RE faced with one more theoretica­l issue, you might just scream. You’ve endured more than your fair share of silliness recently, yet are no closer to a solution. You can’t alter someone’s approach or change a protocol that’s set in stone. You can, however, change your perspectiv­e. Lower your expectatio­ns. Refuse to be bothered. As Mars prepares to move opposite Neptune, decline to engage with foolishnes­s, and focus on finding a new — and more productive — path to your future. Take full advantage of the inspiring cosmic climate. Solve your problems and find solutions! Call 0906 751 5612.

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