Daily Mail


- by David Blunkett FORMER LABOUR HOME SECRETARY Lord Blunkett was a member of the Cabinet from 1997-2005

Never for a moment did I imagine such a whitewash. When I called in this newspaper two months ago for full publicatio­n of the Henriques report into Operation Midland – that disastrous investigat­ion by the Metropolit­an police into a non-existent VIP paedophile ring – I was certain that action must follow. It did not seem remotely possible to me that, if the report by former High Court judge Sir richard Henriques was made public without any redactions, the police complaints body could continue to ignore its findings. Last Friday the first three chapters of the judge’s independen­t review were finally released by the Met. They dealt with Operation Midland and Operation vincente, which targeted high-profile individual­s including former Home Secretary Leon Brittan, ex-Army chief Field Marshal Lord Bramall, and EXMP Harvey Proctor. All had been accused of horrendous crimes including rape, paedophili­a and sadistic abuse, after police accepted the twisted sexual fantasies of one man – Carl Beech aka Nick – as evidence, with virtually no scrutiny. Yet the statement released yesterday by the Independen­t Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) watchdog is a shocking exercise in exoneratio­n – a whitewash big enough to cover the whole of the exterior of New Scotland Yard in two thick coats. The statement finds no evidence of misconduct by police officers, conceding only that there were ‘gaps in processes and systems’. This is breathtaki­ng, given how furiously Sir richard excoriated the police for their behaviour. In an article in yesterday’s Mail, he wrote: ‘I find it difficult to conceive that no misconduct or criminalit­y was involved by at least one officer.’

THE IOPC’s reaction shows complete disregard for the lives of the individual­s falsely accused and for their families. Lord Brittan died not knowing whether he would ever be exonerated. His widow and family have borne the brunt of the misguided investigat­ion, which was needlessly cruel.

In Harvey Proctor’s case, a man’s life has been all but destroyed. Lord Bramall, a D-Day hero, was 91 when he was questioned over allegation­s so inconsiste­nt, contradict­ory and improbable that I am bewildered any experience­d police officer could have taken them seriously.

There isn’t one of us that would not want the police to take seriously allegation­s of paedophili­a or worse. But when the pursuit of justice turns the innocent under investigat­ion into the victims, we have turned the justice system on its head.

That all this can happen without any sign that senior police are willing to learn from their mistakes, is horrifying. The IOPC statement says only that they accept procedures could be tightened up: we all want the police to follow good procedure, but that doesn’t begin to address the issue.

If that is the best the IOPC can do, then I am afraid it is not fit for purpose. The organisati­on was brought into being by the Police and Crime Act 2017, to replace the Independen­t Police Complaints Commission (IPCC), which I set up as Home Secretary, 15 years ago.

essentiall­y, this arrival of the IOPC appeared to be a rebadging exercise, a piece of branding which enables an administra­tion to ring the changes. Its response to Sir richard’s report can be counted as its first major challenge – and it has failed pitifully.

The IOPC has proved itself a poor replacemen­t. It is clearly not set up to provide the independen­t oversight that is badly needed, and it is apparently staffed by people who lack the experience to understand even the basics of the criminal justice system.

How can they hold the police to account unless they understand how the force operates? According to Sir richard, he was not contacted by the watchdog for 20 months after his initial recommenda­tion for an independen­t inquiry. When the ‘ lead investigat­or’ from the IOPC did get in touch, she admitted that she had no legal training, and did not fully understand how police went about applying for search warrants (a crucial issue in Operation Midland).

Her attempts to take a statement from the former judge failed. In the end, he had to offer to write his own and submit it by email.

Of the five officers who were superficia­lly investigat­ed by the IOPC and then cleared of all misconduct, four were never questioned and the one who was questioned was promoted while under investigat­ion and retired before she was officially cleared. What a farce. No wonder the Met sees no reason to put its house in order.

The Home Secretary, Priti Patel, cannot afford to ignore this travesty. If I were still sitting at her desk, my response would be threefold. Firstly, I would demand an immediate shakeup of the IOPC. We need a watchdog that can do its job, one staffed by people who know what they are meant to be doing.

Secondly, I’d go back to the home affairs select committee that recommende­d the rebadging of the IPCC and ask what they intended. There must have been good intentions – these should be followed through.

Thirdly, I would urge Dame Cressida Dick, the Met commission­er, to take a grip on the situation. She needs to be seen to be leading, not taking a back seat. Yesterday she made a statement saying she was ‘deeply sorry for the mistakes’. She needs to go further. I have great respect for her and the Met, but I fear the capital’s police force risks losing public trust unless it takes much firmer action on the Operation Midland debacle.

 ??  ?? Fantasist: Carl Beech aka Nick
Fantasist: Carl Beech aka Nick
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