Daily Mail

I voted to Remain, but now we must back Boris


ThrEE years ago, my wife and I voted in the referendum to remain, but we accepted that a majority of people voted to Leave. If there was a General Election we would vote Conservati­ve, as we and many others think that Parliament should honour the result of the 2016 referendum. In 2017, MPs voted to back the article 50 Bill by 498 votes to 114 — a majority of 384. The SNP, Plaid Cymru and the Lib Dems opposed the Bill, along with 47 Labour MPs and Ken Clarke. Since then, it has become obvious the SNP wants to remain in the EU and hopefully have a second referendum on Scottish independen­ce — which the Scots have already rejected. The Lib Dems have decided the only way they think it possible to have more elected MPs is to remain in the EU, while Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour is undecided over which way to turn. Corbyn is clearly afraid that even some of the most ardent Labour supporters do not relish the thought of him ever becoming Prime Minister. for the past three years, not one workable suggestion has been put forward by any of the Opposition parties to solve the problem of the Irish backstop, because clearly they wish to remain in the EU against the people’s wishes. The only way to get this country out of this mess is to back Boris Johnson’s campaign to solve Brexit and get us out of the claws of the EU.

BrIaN HIll, Huddersfie­ld, W. yorks. WhEN will our MPs start using their common sense? Winston Churchill must be turning in his grave. During the war, we had a coalition government and politics was the last thing on our minds. The only priority was our country, and pulling together to make sure there would still be one. mrs marGareT PHIPPS, Preston, lancs.

 ??  ?? Changed his mind: Brian Hill
Changed his mind: Brian Hill

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