Daily Mail

The rebel next door!

Semi is turned into Extinction Rebellion shrine

- By Paul Thompson and Chris Brooke

AN EXTINCTION Rebellion supporter has been accused of ruining his neighbourh­ood by turning his suburban semi into an ‘eyesore’ shrine to the controvers­ial climate change group.

Paul Barrett, 41, has transforme­d the front of his house with a 12ft robot made from plastic bottles, a multi-coloured rockery, an Extinction Rebellion flag on a pole and banners with protest slogans.

Supporters of Extinction Rebellion have twice shut down large swathes of central London, trying to force the

Government to take action to address climate change. Mr Barrett, who has owned the property for 17 years, said on Facebook that he became involved with the protest group eight months ago as ‘a way to force change’.

The former electricia­n has also converted a broken fridge into a letter box, painted roof tiles different colours and draped a large banner with the word ‘Rebellion’ spelled out in plastic bottles over his front windows.

The changes have not gone down well in the respectabl­e neighbourh­ood of Carshalton, south London, where homes of this size sell for around £500,000. One told Mail Online: ‘It’s awful to look at and just brings down the whole area. I have children and I no longer feel safe for them as so many people, many of them undesirabl­e, are hanging round the house. It is awful.’

Another neighbour said he wanted to sell his house but feared buyers would be put off.

An unnamed friend who emerged from the house said Mr Barrett had attended Extinction Rebellion’s

most recent protests in London. They added: ‘He didn’t get arrested or anything like that. I’m homeless and he has been letting me live here. It’s just me and him.’

Police and environmen­tal health officers from Sutton Council have visited the property following noise complaints. A neighbour said: ‘The house is an eyesore. He used to have a sound bar at the front of the house and music would be blaring out. A lot of Michael Jackson. He played the music mostly during the school run to attract the attention of children. After a visit from the council he took away the sound bar. But then he just played music loud with the windows open.’

Another added: ‘It’s pathetic. I complained to the council but he has not broken any planning laws.’

Another neighbour said he has behaved in such an odd way they are concerned for his wellbeing.

Mr Barrett’s next-door neighbour, Colin Richardson, 88, said: ‘I have not had any trouble from him, but the house does look a mess. I haven’t got a clue what Extinction Rebellion is all about but it would be nice if he made it tidier.’

A man letting himself into the house yesterday said Mr Barrett did not wish to comment.

‘Undesirabl­e people are hanging round’

 ??  ?? NOW
Colour clash: The house has been transforme­d with banners and a robot made from plastic
NOW Colour clash: The house has been transforme­d with banners and a robot made from plastic
 ??  ?? BEFORE
Street view: The semi in Surrey
BEFORE Street view: The semi in Surrey

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