Daily Mail

The GCSE language loophole

Hundreds took English exam that’s meant for foreign pupils

- By Neil Sears n.sears@dailymail.co.uk

A GROUP of schools has been criticised for entering hundreds of English-speaking teenagers into a GCSE exam aimed at pupils who moved here from abroad.

Ofsted revealed one of the schools – Harris Academy Orpington in south London – spent £10,000 so almost an entire year group could sit an English as a Second Language Internatio­nal GCSE – even though 95 per cent of the pupils spoke only English.

The results from those who passed the exam could have been used to boost the schools’ performanc­es in league tables. The six schools, which altogether spent about £50,000 entering 700 pupils into the IGCSE, are part of the Harris chain of 48 state-funded primaries and secondarie­s led by Sir Dan Moynihan – Britain’s best-paid academy chief on £450,000 a year.

The Cambridge Internatio­nal GCSE in English as a Second Language, which costs £67 per entrant, is designed to allow non-native English speakers to show what they have learned. Until this year the qualificat­ion could be used as the equivalent to a GCSE in statistics rating school performanc­es. The loophole has now been closed.

The Mail understand­s that when internal concerns were raised about the use of the exam for 153 pupils at Harris Orpington – which last month received a highly critical ‘Requires Improvemen­t’ Ofsted rating – senior leaders argued it would provide ‘good exam practice’.

A Harris Orpington source said: ‘It is absolutely disgracefu­l this struggling school should insult its pupils by making them do an exam designed solely for foreigners learning the language. We thought it was a naked attempt to boost the school in league tables. The poor kids knew it was wrong.

‘Dan Moynihan is the boss, he sits on the governing body and earns half a million a year. How can he justify his pay when this happens at not just one, but six of his schools?’

The source added: ‘ The results weren’t that impressive, either.’

The chain receives £230million of taxpayers’ money every year and teaches 36,000 pupils.

Harris claimed the use of the English tests did not significan­tly improve the league table ratings of the six schools involved, but has refused to release full results.

A spokesman also refused to comment on Sir Dan’s knowledge of the English exam, but admitted putting pupils through it was ‘ inappropri­ate’ and that the practice has now stopped. They refused to discuss the group’s use of public funds.

Ofsted strategy director Luke Tryl warned in February that un-named schools were guilty of ‘pure gaming’ of league tables in entering nativeEngl­ish speakers for the specialist foreigners’ exam.

A Department for Education spokesman said last night: ‘ The department has now removed Internatio­nal GCSEs from its approved list and it no longer counts in performanc­e tables.’

‘The poor kids knew it was wrong’

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